Re: Newbie - what's all this BCNF stuff anyway?

From: Seth Brewer <>
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 16:22:36 GMT
Message-ID: <gztC9.75763$NH2.4693_at_sccrnsc01>

O.K. I'm starting to come around...

> The correct "fix" to the CLASS table would be to decompose
> it (break it up) like this:

> teacher subject
> ------- -------
> White Math
> Green Physics
> Brown Physics
> student teacher
> ------- -------
> Smith White
> Smith Green
> Jones White
> Jones Green

Yes, I didn't think that through far enough. So now it's in 3nf AND BCNF?

I read the previous posts you sent, and I understand you are not anti-identity field, but I'm still left with some confusion...

  1. True or false: Our example would be 3nf, but would NOT be BCNF if we had used identities because there would be another table involved (SUBJECT (ID, Subject)) and we would not be using natural keys.
  2. As it is, what if another teacher named White joins the faculty? (this is what I thought was a big part of the reason for identity fields.)
  3. Isn't it better to have something small like "123" in three places than something like "Johnjakobjinglehiemerschmidt" in two?
  4. Could I (loosely) define BCNF as: The use of "natural" keys alone or in conjuction to establish a unique identity and/or relationship?
  5. Should I lose sleep over this?

Thanks Larry, your replies so far have been excellent. I'm getting there...


"Larry Coon" <> wrote in message
> Seth Brewer wrote:
> > Well, I wouldn't use them in a join table, say when I'm joining two
> > in a many-to-many, but I would use the auto-incremented ID fields from
> > two joining tables as FKs. Why would someone say they are pure evil?
> Joe Celko has been one of the most vocal opponents of identity
> columns. Here is one of his posts to this newsgroup on the
> subject:
> But like I said, I'm not entirely in the same camp. Here's one
> of my posts on the subject, in reply to the above post:
> > This may just further place my ignorace out on display, but wouldn't the
> > WHERE clause in your SQL query address this?
> No. Bad designs leave open the possibility for data anomalies.
> Queries don't fix the designs.
> > > Whichever candidate key is chosen as the primary key, the
> > > table will be in 3NF (I'll let you verify this for yourself).
> > > However, it's not in BCNF because teacher is a determinant
> > > but not a candidate key. An example anomaly that can result
> > > is when we delete the row (Jones, Physics, Brown) -- we lose
> > > the fact that Brown teaches Physics, which is a deletion
> > > anomaly.
> >
> > YIKES! I though this meant it was NOT 3nf.
> 3NF simply means: A) It's in 2NF; and B) No dependencies among
> non-key attributes.
> The 3NF definition relies on the 2NF definition, which is:
> A) It's in 1NF, and B) No dependencies exist where a key
> attribute determines a non-key attribute, where the key
> attribute is not the entire primary key...
> ...which relies on the definition of 1NF, which is that all
> attributes are scalar.
> So the CLASS example -is- in 3NF, according to the definition.
> That's why BCNF was proposed -- to close the loophole.
> > Therefore, I would have moved
> > teacher into a new table, added the evil auto-incremented primary key
> > created this:
> >
> > student subject teacherID
> > ------- ------- -------
> > Smith Math 1
> > Smith Physics 2
> > Jones Math 1
> > Jones Physics 3
> >
> > teacherID name
> > ------- -------
> > 1 White
> > 2 Green
> > 3 Brown
> >
> > Am I missing the concept completely? If so, please slap me up side the
> > and send me somewhere that and idiot can go to learn more about this.
> Your solution does not fix the problem, it only adds a
> layer of indirection. The teacherID is simply an alternate
> name for teacher, but the design of the class table is
> still the same, except the alternate name for teacher is
> now used. So the CLASS table is still in 3NF but still
> not in BCNF.
> Again, what happens to the fact that Brown teaches Physics
> if you delete the row (Jones, Physics, 3) from the CLASS
> table? You lose that fact. This is a deletion anomaly.
> What subject does Smith teach? You can't tell until you
> have a student enroll in one of Smith's classes. This is
> an insertion amonaly.
> The presence of these anomalies indicate a bad design,
> which is what normalization is supposed to address. But
> anomalies can still exist with lower forms of normalization,
> which is why the higher normal forms exist.
> The correct "fix" to the CLASS table would be to decompose
> it (break it up) like this:
> teacher subject
> ------- -------
> White Math
> Green Physics
> Brown Physics
> student teacher
> ------- -------
> Smith White
> Smith Green
> Jones White
> Jones Green
> Larry Coon
> University of California
> and
Received on Tue Nov 19 2002 - 17:22:36 CET

Original text of this message