Re: View updating in practice?

From: Alexander Kuznetsov <>
Date: 8 Nov 2002 14:09:24 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Hi Jens,

Sorry, but I did not like this article too much. I don't think the example is too practical. Though I can easily imagine a production system with both employee and basketball player related columns in one table, I would say that's not the best practice under most circumstances. I feel an OLTP database might feature a separate table TEAM, inheriting its PK from EMP. If that's not an option, an INSTEAD OF trigger could set baskertball-realted fields to NULLS instad of deleting a record.

Whenever we manage to isolate an OLTP database physical structure from the
users, our life gets easier and performance over time usually inmproves.
I thinkn amking sure users see only what we are willing to expose is a very good practice.
(That's less an issue with DB2, because we cannot hint to a DB2 optimizer. Wherever hintsd are allowed, most of them seem to go badly wrong over time.)

ISTEAD OF triggers provied us a very convenent shortcut in many situations.
I think it's a very powerful tool whenver we need to hide actual physicl structure from exposure. Yes it's powerful which means it's quite easy to abuse it.

One can easily hit a pedeshtrian when driving, even the safest car in the world. That might not mean anything bad about the car if the driver is at fault. Received on Fri Nov 08 2002 - 23:09:24 CET

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