Re: yet another hierarchy model

From: Heinz Huber <>
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 08:45:33 +0200
Message-ID: <>

Vadim Tropashko wrote:
> Is there a document where all the known representations of tree in relational
> database enumerated? I know only those that pop up on this newsgroup (J.Celko's
> method, materialized path, that's all:-(
> Here is one more way to represent hierarchy: just store depth-first sequence
> number and level (simple, indeed!).

[snipped example 1]

> 2. To find out all the nodes in a subtree, we find a next node on the same level
> and the next node on the parent level, choose the closest of the two and, then,
> select all the nodes between the given node and the chosen one.

One minor correction:
You choose the closet of the nodes at any level <= the same, since there is no requirement that a node is somewhere followed by a node at the same or the parent level without any lower parent level inbetween.

> For node #4 we pick up nodes 8 and 10, and select every node between 4 and 8
> (exclusive).

[snipped examples]

I think this approach is somewhat simular to Celko's nested set: Your approach: strictly ascending depth-first sequence number (seqNr) + level Celko: strictly ascending depth-first sequence number (with gaps!!) (left) + end of set (right)

Some tasks are easier with one of these models. Some would even be easier with a combination.
I think best would be a combination of both: left, right, level

From the examples given:

  1. Find the parent node: Tropashko: select max(seqNr) where seqNr < currSeqNr and level = currLevel - 1 Celko: select max(left) where left < currLeft and right > currRight Combination: select left where left < currLeft and right > currRight and level = currLevel - 1
  2. Find out all nodes in a subtree: Tropashko: select * where seqNr > currSeqNr and seqNr < (select max(seqNr) where seqNr > currSeqNr and level <= currLevel) Celko: select * where left > currLeft and right < currRight Combination: use Celko
  3. Find all direct children of a parent: Tropashko: select * where seqNr > currSeqNr and seqNr < (select max(seqNr) where seqNr > currSeqNr and level <= currLevel) and level = level + 1 Celko: select * from outer where left > currLeft and right < currRight and not exist (select * where left > currLeft and right < currRight and left < outer.left and right > outer.right) Combination: select * from outer where left > currLeft and right < currRight and level = level + 1
  4. Find a path to the root: Tropashko: can't think of a single SQL right now Celko: select * where left < currleft and right > currRight order by left Combination: use Celko

As you can see, some queries benefit from the existance of level, some benefit from the strict definition of the subtree.

Heinz Received on Mon Oct 15 2001 - 08:45:33 CEST

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