Re: JOINs verses ='s ?

From: Heinz Huber <>
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 12:30:05 +0200
Message-ID: <>

Salut Daniel,

bpfh wrote:
> Hi,
> I am being pushed by the management to learn SQL on my own - and now, I am
> (maybe) stumped with left / right / outer joins...
> Let's say that I have 2 tables with 2 cols :
> Table #1 - id (pri. key), fn
> Table #2 - id (pri.key), ln
> Now, my own SQL instruction would be:
> select table1.fn, table2.ln FROM table1, table2 WHERE =

> AND = 1;
> Would I be correct in extrapolating this to:
> select table1.fn, table2.ln FROM table1, table2 WHERE LEFT JOIN
> AND = 1; ?
> If not, could anyone give me a quick overview of left / right / outer joins
> in an SQL instruction?

The second statement you wrote above is not correct SQL since the JOIN syntax is part of the FROM clause, not the WHERE clause.

The kinds of joins I know are:

Cross join: cartesian product of two tables (taking each row of table1 and appending each row of table2).

Inner join: "normal" join (take each row of table1 matching certain criteria and append each row of table2 matching certain criteria).

Outer join: "preserving" join (take each row of table1 and append each row of table2 matching certain criteria); here the difference between LEFT and RIGHT (and possibly FULL) is which table is going to be preserved (both in case of FULL); the columns of the non preserved table will be filled with null values if there is no matching row in the non preserved table.

The ways to specify the criteria (or conditions) I know are: Natural: match columns with the same name Key: match PK/FK columns
ON: explicit condition(s) after the JOIN statement WHERE clause: specify condition(s) in WHERE clause

OK, now to make the whole thing a bit more perceivable:

Table A
idA (PK) valueA

1          a
2          b
3          c

Table B
idB (PK) idA (FK) valueB

1          1           Z
4          2           Y
5          6           X

Cross join:
idA valueA idB idA valueB

1          a           1       1       Z
1          a           4       2       Y
1          a           5       6       X
2          b           1       1       Z
2          b           4       2       Y
2          b           5       6       X
3          c           1       1       Z
3          c           4       2       Y
3          c           5       6       X

Inner join:

SELECT * FROM A NATURAL JOIN B;   match A.idA and B.idB (same name)
SELECT * FROM A KEY JOIN B;       match A.idA and B.idB (PK/FK)
SELECT * FROM A JOIN B ON A.idA = B.idA;       explicit
idA        valueA      idB     idA     valueB
1          a           1       1       Z
2          b           4       2       Y
It might be that a natural join eliminates one of the idA columns.

Left outer join (all four ways like inner join possible): SELECT * FROM A LEFT OUTER JOIN B ON A.idA = B.idA; idA valueA idB idA valueB

1          a           1       1       Z
2          b           4       2       Y
3          c           null    null    null

Right outer join (all four ways like inner join possible): SELECT * FROM A RIGHT OUTER JOIN B ON A.idA = B.idB; idA valueA idB idA valueB

1          a           1       1       Z
2          b           4       2       Y
null       null        5       6       X

Full outer join (all four ways like inner join possible): SELECT * FROM A FULL OUTER JOIN B ON A.idA = b.idB; idA valueA idB idA valueB

1          a           1       1       Z
2          b           4       2       Y
3          c           null    null    null
null       null        5       6       X

I hope this gives you an idea of the different kinds of join and how to use them.

Heinz Received on Mon Apr 09 2001 - 12:30:05 CEST

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