parameter passing in the weak cursor

From: Dacho <>
Date: 22 Mar 2004 13:17:12 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Hi All,

   Could someone light me up please?

   I used either straight select statement or parameter passing's statement I've still got the error as

     PLS-00103: Encountered the symbole "End-of-file" when expecting one of the following: begin function package pragma procedure form external.

    while perform compiling the following procedure with oracle

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE Srch_Tbl (Tbl IN varchar2, Col IN varchar2, Ddate IN DATE) IS

   Type cRef IS REF CURSOR;    

   cTbl           cRef;
   pos            integer;

/* string varchar2(255); */
string agt_email.email_add%type; cStr varchar2(255);

  pos := 1; string := '';
/* cStr := 'Select '|| Col ||' from '|| Tbl ||' where cre_date > '||
Ddate; */
  cStr := 'Select email_add from Agt_Email';   Open cTbl for cStr;

       Fetch cTbl into String;
       Exit when cTab%NOTFOUND;

/* scan_string(string); --- scan & replace the Accent
characters */ dbms_output.put_line(pos||' string: ' || String); pos := pos + 1; End loop;

  Close cTbl;
END Srch_Tbl;

    DTHO. Received on Mon Mar 22 2004 - 22:17:12 CET

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