MERGE bug?

From: Shan R Shanmuganathan <>
Date: 26 Feb 2004 22:41:55 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Try this:

create table xyz ( c1 number );

insert into xyz values ( 5 );

1 row created.

select * from xyz;



merge into xyz
using (select * from dual) A
on ( 1=1 )
when matched then
update set c1 = 10
when not matched then
insert values ( 20 );

1 row merged.

select * from xyz;



merge into xyz
using (select * from dual) A
on ( 1=2 )
when matched then
update set c1 = 10
when not matched then
insert values ( 20 );

0 row merged.

Why is it not inserting in the second merge?

9.2 SQL reference guide allows me to use any 'condition' inside the on ().


BTW, I have

Shan R Shanmuganathan Received on Fri Feb 27 2004 - 07:41:55 CET

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