Oracle Default Date Display Mask

From: Kraig <>
Date: 16 May 2003 13:00:27 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Can someone please tell me how to change the default date display in Oracle 8i?? I don't mean manipulate the date w/to_char or to_date. I mean when you query:

select sysdate from dual ;

I am using a powerbuilder front end application that will import flat text files to a table w/out the use of a control card. The only problem is that the date fields are in 'DD-MON-RR' format and they fail a date validation by my app. (PS I don't have access to the source for the PB app.)

NLS_DATE_FORMAT for client, session & DB are also DD-MON-RR.

select to_char(sysdate) from dual ; yields DD-MON-RR formatted dates.

It appears as though Powerbuilder is taking the mask for the default date display (mm/dd/yyyy) and checking the date format against it.

Oracle default display is mm/dd/yyyy and this is the only way the data will be accepted in my application. I am working w/Canadian clients and they insist upon some variation of day - month - year format.

The only solution I can see at this point is to back up and throw rocks at the PC.

Thank you in advance,

Kraig Smith
Project Consultant Received on Fri May 16 2003 - 22:00:27 CEST

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