NLS Problem : UTF8 ----> ZHT16BIG5

From: Aapr <>
Date: 24 Jun 2002 00:33:40 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Hi All,

We have a requirement wherein we will have a centralised transaction database for the Asian region. This database should be capable of storing data in multiple languages (as the transaction data in this database will be meant for multiple countries). Currently we are planning for English & Chinese data with option of Korean & Japanese in the future.

After going thru Oracle's NLS documentation we decided to have this centralised database with Database character set as UTF8 (as it can supports multiple languages).

For testing the data transfer in-between databases with different character sets, we transferred data from a UTF8 database to a Traditional Chinese database (ZHT16BIG5) database running on a Chinese Windows NT.
But the tests for data transfer between this UTF database & a Traditional Chinese database (ZHT16BIG5) were not successful.

The testing was done as follows:
1. Uploaded a text file containing Traditional Chinese characters on the UTF8 database running on Standard English Windows NT 2. After Uploading the Data, Transferred the Data to a Traditional Chinese database (ZHT16BIG5) database running on a Chinese Windows NT. The data was transferred to the Chinese database by a PowerBuilder application running on the English Windows machine. The data was pumped into the Chinese Database from the English Database ( and was not pulled by the Chinese DB from the English DB)

After the above steps were completed, we logged on to the Chinese DB using SQLPlus on the same Chinese machine. We queried the table to which the data was pumped. The Query returned the string with "?" for almost all characters in the string. The data type of the column into which the data was pumped is VarChar2.

After the above failure, we logged into the English UTF8 DB from the Chinese Windows SQLPlus & we queried the database table into which the Chinese data was uploaded ( in the step 1 from above). Still we got the string with the same "?" question marks. Next we tried the convert function with
Select (Column A, UTF8, ZHT16BIG5) from Table B; and we got Chinese Text. But after looking carefully we found that the text differed from the original text that was in the file. Most of the characters displayed on the screen were different from those present in the file.

What did we miss out ?

Any ideas why this happened or how to resolve this issues. Any help is appreciated.

TIA, Details of the two databases...............

DB1 - Centralised DB
- OS : Standard English Windows NT

DB2 - Test DB for Chinese language
- OS : Traditional Chinese Windows NT

  • Standard Oracle 8.1.6 Installation with NLS_CHARACTERSET and NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET = ZHT16BIG5
  • No Changes made to Oracle Client/Net8

Dataflow :

Chinese Characters in File -----> Uploaded by PB program running on Standard English Windows NT to a UTF8 DB -----> Pumped into ZHT16BIG5 DB by a PB program running on Standard English Windows NT (on the same machine containing the UTF8 DB) Received on Mon Jun 24 2002 - 09:33:40 CEST

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