ignoring hints?

From: Rich <rlevesque_at_edgewater.com>
Date: 23 Apr 2002 06:35:05 -0700
Message-ID: <ee1b0695.0204230535.116cf167_at_posting.google.com>

From Oracle support website:
'Hints in PL/SQL blocks should have a SPACE after the '+' which starts the hint comment. This is important otherwise the hint may be ignored as some versions of PL/SQL omit the first character after the '+' sign when passing the query to the SQL engine. Eg: Use "SELECT /*+ FULL(a) */" rather than "SELECT /*+FULL(a)*/"'
Two questions:
1. Are PL/SQL blocks considered those within stored procedures, functions, and Pro*C++ code?
2. What versions of PL/SQL omit the first character after the '+' sign in a hint when passing the query to the SQL engine? Thank you. Received on Tue Apr 23 2002 - 15:35:05 CEST

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