Rollback segment too small

From: Serial # 19781010 <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 15:24:06 +0100
Message-ID: <>


I have a problem with updating table.
my table has about 600 000 rows and I'm triyng to update some values in it.

first, I tryed to do it by cursor

cursor v_artikl_ducan is select sifra_artikla, ducan from sum_artikli_mjesec_nova for update;
for i in v_artikl_ducan loop

     update sum_artikli_mjesec_nova
     set (kolicina_zg, mpv_zg, mpv_bez_pdv_zg, nv_zg, bm_zg)=

(select sum(p.kolicina) kolicina_zg,
sum(p.mpv) mpv_zg, sum(p.mpv_bez_pdv) mpvn_zg, sum(p.nv) nv_zg, sum( bm_zg from tblprodaja p where p.sifra_artikla=i.sifra_artikla and p.datum>=to_date('01.12.2001','DD.MM.YYYY') and p.datum< to_date('01.01.2002','DD.MM.YYYY') and p.ducan=i.ducan and p.regija='ZG') where current of v_artikl_ducan; commit;

end loop;

when this returning error ORA-01555, I tryed to do this:

update sum_artikli_mjesec_nova m

     set (kolicina_zg, mpv_zg, mpv_bez_pdv_zg, nv_zg, bm_zg)=

(select sum(p.kolicina) kolicina_zg,
sum(p.mpv) mpv_zg, sum(p.mpv_bez_pdv) mpvn_zg, sum(p.nv) nv_zg, sum( bm_zg from tblprodaja p where p.sifra_artikla=m.sifra_artikla and p.ducan=m.ducan and p.datum>=to_date('01.12.2001','DD.MM.YYYY') and p.datum< to_date('01.01.2002','DD.MM.YYYY') and p.regija='ZG');

and this query also raturns the same error.

Rollback segments have inital size 512, next size 512 and maximum number value 4096.
But I think that theese queries should work with this values.

Now, I don't know what to do now!
Please help!

Jozo Received on Thu Jan 17 2002 - 15:24:06 CET

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