Best approach for my problem

From: Reddy <>
Date: 16 Aug 2001 07:51:12 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Hi guys,

I need your help in solving the following problem:

I have staging table with the following structure:

Deal# Division# Product# Processed_flag

100     126          121212	
100     127          121213
100     126          121213
100     128          121215
101     126          121215
101     127          121215
101     126          121216


I need to write to following tables as follows:

Deal table division table Product table

deal#            Deal#     div#           deal#    prod#
----            ------     ------         -----   ------
100              100       126            100     121212
101              100       127            100     121213
		 100       128		  100     121215
		 101       126		  101     121215
		 101       127		  101     121216

I defined 3 cursors for the processing the rows.

  1. deal_cursor is select distinct deal_no from staging_table where processed_flag is not null;
  2. division_cursor is select distinct division from staging_table where deal_no = t_deal_no;
  3. product_cursor is select distinct product from staging_table where deal_no = t_deal_no;

  for d_rec in deal_cursor

       insert into deal table;
       t_deal_no := d_rec.deal_no;
       for div_rec in division_cursor 
          insert into division table;
       end loop;

       for prod_rec in product_cursor
         insert into product table;
       end loop;

 end loop;

The trick is I need to log an error if there is a problem with the data:

101 126 121215 ------> If the product is not valid in this record, I

                          should NOT set the processed_flag to 'Y'. So
                          division 126 for deal 100 also should not be

HOW DO I DO THAT? Please help

Thanks in advance

-Reddy Received on Thu Aug 16 2001 - 16:51:12 CEST

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