Working with longs in Oracle

From: Al Gifford <>
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 11:26:24 -0600
Message-ID: <>

I am trying to use the long datatype with oracle and perl, but I am having
problems inserting if the data is longer than 2k or so bytes. I have read the README.longs included with the DBD, but the code snippet is incomplete. If anyone has used longs or has a clue as to how they work,

please let me know.

The column MYTABLE.VALUE is a long, and I am currently doing something like this:

$lda = &ora_login("xxx","xxx","xxx") || die("Unable to connect to

$query = "select MYTABLE_KEY.NEXTVAL from dual";
$csr = &ora_open($lda,$query) || die("$ora_errstr - $query");
($currval) = &ora_fetch($csr);

$query = "insert into MYTABLE (MYTABLE_KEY,NAME,VALUE) values
($currval,'COMP_BACKGROUND','$COMP_BACKGROUND')"; &ora_do($lda,$query);

print "bedebedebede thats all folks";

It works fine if the value of $COMP_BACKGROUND is shorter than approx 2K, but if it is longer, it doesn't work.

Thanks, Received on Mon Apr 27 1998 - 19:26:24 CEST

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