OPO: pop-up list as Master, repeater display as detail

From: Megahwati Widaja <minsq_at_engin.umich.edu>
Date: 1996/05/24
Message-ID: <31A63917.7ADE_at_engin.umich.edu>#1/1



1. Able to use pop-up list or combo-box to display the Master value and

    the Repeater Display to display the details. 2. Double-Clicking on one of the details will open another form.   


Always encountering errors:
1. Error flushing row to database
2. ORA-00001: unique contraint violated   
Steps to get error message "ORA:1"
1. Run application in designer mode

2. Change pop-up list value from "Naster" to "Musty" 3. Click anywhere on the current row pointer of the repeater

form8 as the background form
Popup List as the Master
Repeater display as the details
Repeater has 3 fields and a current row pointer

        RecordSource     --> MASTERS

Pop-up List:
        DataSource       --> MASTER_ID
        Translation      --> =at NETWORK select MASTER, MASTER_ID from 
        LinkDetailColumn --> MATER_ID
        LinkMasterColumn --> MASTER_ID
        LinkMasterForm   --> Form8
        LinkPrimaryKey   --> Here (On Detail)
        RecordSource     --> DETAILS
"MASTERS" table                                 "DETAILS" table
MASTER_ID      NUMBER   <<Primary Key>>         DETAIL_ID      NUMBER   
<<Primary Key>>
MASTER         VARCHAR2                         DETAIL         VARCHAR2
                                                MATER_ID       NUMBER


==========================      =========================================
1              Naster           1       Come on first           1
2              Musty            2       Some go second          2
3              Crusty           3       middle third            1
                                4       ninty-four              2
                                5       seventy-five            3
                                6       Six STicz               1
                                7       Seven Sins              2
Received on Fri May 24 1996 - 00:00:00 CEST

Original text of this message