Re: creating sql scripts for existing tables ?

From: Ruud de Gunst <>
Date: 1996/02/20
Message-ID: <>#1/1 (Charles Reinke) wrote:

>The only way I've been able to create scripts for tables is to save them 
>at the time I type them in. Is there a way to create ".sql" scripts from 
>existing database in oracle ?  

>Thanks in advance, Chuck


It's all in the datadictionary. Here's an example script for creating "create table" statements using the information stored in the Oracle datadictionary. This script does not produce the storage clause, but that's a feature you can add yourself.



rem Program : get_tab.sql
rem Type    : SQL script
rem Input   : tab_owner    char    - owner of the table(s)
rem Output  : tmp.sql      file    - file, can be removed afterwards
rem           owner.tbr    file    - file containing create table
rem Date    : 10-10-94
rem Author  : Ruud de Gunst, Bergler Nederland bv
rem Purpose : Generates create table statements for a given user.

set heading off
set verify off
set feedback off
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set newpage 0

prompt Recreate create table statements
accept tab_owner char prompt ' for owner: ' prompt

set termout off

column spool_ext noprint new_value ext

select substr('&&tab_owner', 2, 3) spool_ext from sys.dual

spool tmp.sql

prompt spool &&tab_owner..tbr

select 'prompt prompt' || chr(10) ||

'prompt prompt Create table ' || tb.owner || '.' ||
tb.table_name || chr(10) ||

'prompt prompt' || chr(10) ||
'prompt CREATE TABLE ' || tb.owner || '.' || tb.table_name ||
chr(10) ||

'select rpad(decode' || chr(10) ||
' (tc.column_id' || chr(10) ||
' ,1, ''(''||tc.column_name' || chr(10) ||
' ,'',''||tc.column_name), 31, '' '') ||' ||
chr(10) ||

' rpad(decode' || chr(10) ||
' (tc.data_type' || chr(10) ||
' ,''DATE'', ''DATE'' ' || chr(10) ||
' ,''NUMBER'' ' || chr(10) ||
' ,''NUMBER(''||to_char(nvl(tc.data_precision,

tc.data_length))||' || chr(10) ||

' decode' || chr(10) ||
' ('',''||to_char(tc.data_scale)' || chr(10) ||
' ,'',0'', null' || chr(10) ||
' ,'','', null' || chr(10) ||
' ,'',''||to_char(tc.data_scale)' || chr(10) ||
' ) ||'')'' ' || chr(10) ||
,tc.data_type||''(''||to_char(tc.data_length)||'')'' ' || chr(10) ||
' ), 16, '' '') ||' || chr(10) ||
' decode(tc.nullable' || chr(10) ||
' ,''N'' ' || chr(10) ||
' ,''NOT NULL'' ' || chr(10) ||
' ,''NULL'' ' || chr(10) ||
' )' || chr(10) ||
'from sys.dba_tab_columns tc' || chr(10) ||
'where tc.table_name = '||''''||table_name||'''' || chr(10) ||
'and tc.owner = '||''''||owner||'''' || chr(10) ||
'order by tc.column_id' || chr(10) ||
'/' || chr(10) ||
'prompt )' || chr(10) ||
'prompt TABLESPACE '|| tablespace_name || chr(10) ||
'prompt /' || chr(10) ||
'prompt' || chr(10)
from sys.dba_tables tb

where tb.owner like upper('&&tab_owner') order by tb.table_name

prompt spool off

spool off


clear columns
clear breaks

set heading on
set verify on
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set termout on Received on Tue Feb 20 1996 - 00:00:00 CET

Original text of this message