Re: Moving TABLES to another TABLESPACE

From: Bob Swisshelm <>
Date: 20 Jan 95 17:22:07 EST
Message-ID: <>

The best process that I know of involves using exp/imp and dropping the object.

  1. exp / file=table.dmp tables=table_name
  2. imp / file=table.dmp full=y indexfile=createtable.sql
  3. edit createtable.sql, uncomment the create statements and change the tablespace references to the new tablespace.
  4. sqlplus / SQL> drop table table_name; SQL> _at_createtable.sql - this creates the table in the new tablespace SQL> exit
  5. imp / file=table.dmp full=y ignore=y

In article <3fn495$> Roger Bjarevall, writes:
>We have a lots of tables/indexes that we want to move from
>one tablespace to another.
>How to do?
Bob Swisshelm | | 317 276 5472 Eli Lilly and Company | Lilly Corporate Center | Indianapolis, IN 46285 Received on Fri Jan 20 1995 - 23:22:07 CET

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