Multi Instances

Date: Tue, 18 Oct 94 09:28:00 -0400
Message-ID: <>

-> - can we have different SYS + SYSTEM password
-> for each instance, so that we can assign
-> different DBA to maintain the database instance
-> belongs to theirproject/application (I think YES,
-> but need confirmation + suggestions + ...)
-> - if YES, what are the possible arrangements +
-> requirements? As i understand, to have Oracle
-> DBA priviledges we need:
-> (1). access to the "oracle" account, OR
-> (2). a "any-user" account which belongs to the
-> Oracle DBA group, OR
-> (3). others .... ????

Yes you can have diff passords, BUT: If you use the same executables then the same DBA group will be used, and anyone who can connect internal to 1 instance will be allowed the others. You need separately linked executables for each instance. Housekeeping will be painful, check into the chroot system call to setup multiple root file systems if you want to really isolate. Received on Tue Oct 18 1994 - 14:28:00 CET

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