Oracle performance tool: WW (wait watcher)

From: Jef Kennedy <>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 19:09:06 -0800
Message-ID: <>

I had requests to post the Wait Watcher (WW) tool, so here it is. This message starts with an explanation of WW, the underlying V$ tables that support WW, some caveats, and finally the source code.

What is WW?

It is a tool (read: hack) to help you determine what Oracle sessions are waiting, what event they're waiting for, and how long they typically spend waiting for the each event.

Where does WW get its information?

WW simply displays information from the V$SESSION_WAIT, V$SESSION_EVENT, and V$SYSTEM_EVENT internal tables in Oracle. These tables contain information describing why the Oracle wait routine was called. These tables have been in the Oracle kernel since 7.0.12.

Note that time in the V$ tables mentioned above is returned as 100ths of seconds, while the time returned in WW is normalized to seconds.

What does each V$ table return?

V$SESSION_WAIT    - latest or current reason a session is waiting
V$SESSION_EVENT   - for each session, a list of wait events and assoc'd info
V$SYSTEM_EVENT    - for the instance, a list of wait events and assoc'd info

What's a session? And an event? Any other definitions?

A session is a connect to Oracle. A single process can possibly have multiple connections (concurrent logons) to Oracle; each connection is a session. Each session has a unique session id or Sid.

There is a routine in Oracle used to perform a wait. When the wait routine is called by another part of Oracle code, a reason that the wait is being called is supplied to the routine for reporting in the V$ tables listed above. It doesn't affect the wait itself, but the information is interesting. This wait reason is also known as the event.

Additional information that has to do with the event is provided in WW's "Additional Information" column. Stuff you might see in here: if a foreground is waiting for a disk read to complete, the additional information provided will include the database file number and block number being read. That sort of stuff.

Every time the wait routine is called, the wait sequence number associated with the session is bumped. Why is this useful? You may find a session spending all of its time in the "client message" wait event (waiting for something to do from the user or client side) even though you know the client has done stuff (successfully, too). The problem isn't that V$SESSION_WAIT isn't seeing the other wait states, it's just that you can't query V$SESSION_WAIT fast enough to see any other state. You can tell this by watching the sequence number advance with every WW screen refresh.

Lastly, "Wait Time" is the amount of time spent doing the wait. This is pretty straightforward in the V$SESSION_EVENT and V$SYSTEM_EVENT views.

In the V$SESSION_WAIT view (the view that shows what's currently happening), "Wait Time" is a bit different. If the wait is currently happening, you'll see 0's or -1's for the wait time. If the time is some other number, then the session is not currently waiting, and the event and wait time listed reflect the statistics from the last time the wait routine was called. Wait happen so frequently that you may never see anything but active waits (0's or -1's in the wait time column).

OK...So show me some output from WW

When you run WW, you tell it which information you want to see: V$SESSION_WAIT, V$SESSION_EVENT or V$SYSTEM_EVENT. You specify which information and the screen update frequency on the command line.

By the way, while in the V$SESSION_WAIT view, WW will bold lines for sessions that have been active (left their previous wait state). Kind of cooling for seeing who's hot and who's not. The following listings don't show that bolding, but...

Here's some screen shots from each view followed by some comments to help you figure this stuff out:

V$SESSION_WAIT at 13:23:20.87 (time interval 1.00 seconds)  

Sid Sequence Event Wait Time Additional Information

--- -------- ----------------- ----------- ---------------------- 
  1      112 pmon timer               0.00 (  0,   0,   0) 
  2      206 rdbms ipc message        0.00 (timeout 300,   0,   0) 
  3      306 rdbms ipc message        0.00 (timeout 300,   0,   0) 
  4      112 rdbms ipc message        0.00 (timeout 300,   0,   0) 
  5       28 smon timer               0.00 (sleep time 300, failed 0,   0) 
  7       13 client message          -1.00 (two-task? 0, driver id 19645580, 0) 
  9       20 client message          -1.00 (two-task? 0, driver id 18683020, 0) 

This view is best for seeing what's currently happening on your system. If you have a stuck Oracle process, you probably want to use this display to figure out why it's stuck. It may help if you determine the session id of the stuck process (with the other V$ tables) before you look at this view so you know which "Sid" to look for.  

V$SESSION_EVENT at 13:25:35.45 (time interval 1.00 seconds)  

Sid Event                          Total Waits Total Time  Ave Wait 
--- ------------------------------ ----------- ----------- --------- 
  1 pmon timer                             155      463.02    2.9872 
  2 db file sequential read                 18        0.01    0.0006 
  2 control file sequential read            68        0.11    0.0016 
  2 db file parallel write                   3        0.24    0.0800 
  2 rdbms ipc message                      161      467.62    2.9045 
  3 log file sequential read                 5        0.02    0.0040 
  3 db file sequential read                  9        0.03    0.0033 
  3 control file sequential read            30        0.06    0.0020 
  3 latch free                               1        0.08    0.0800 
  3 log file single write                    5        0.12    0.0240 
  3 db file single write                     9        0.20    0.0222 
  3 control file parallel write             24        0.50    0.0208 
  3 log file parallel write                 59        0.76    0.0129 
  3 rdbms ipc message                      208      466.26    2.2416 
  4 rdbms ipc message                      155      465.12    3.0008 
  5 latch free                               6        0.03    0.0050 
  5 db file scattered read                   9        0.50    0.0556 
  5 db file sequential read                  9        0.68    0.0756 
  5 smon timer                               4      329.33   82.3325 
  7 client message                          13        0.00    0.0000 
  9 client message                          22        0.03    0.0014 

The V$SESSION_EVENT view almost has too much information to be of use. If you have a particular session whose wait states you're interested in, it may be better just to run a SQL query in SQL*DBA against the V$SESSION_EVENT table using a "where" clause to find just that sessions wait states.

V$SYSTEM_EVENT at 13:26:42.95 (time interval 1.00 seconds)  

Event                          Total Waits Total Time  Ave Wait 
------------------------------ ----------- ----------- --------- 
log file sync                            1        0.04    0.0400 
log file single write                    6        0.14    0.0233 
latch free                              12        0.15    0.0125 
log file sequential read                 9        0.20    0.0222 
db file parallel write                   3        0.24    0.0800 
control file sequential read           121        0.27    0.0022 
db file scattered read                  10        0.53    0.0530 
db file single write                    27        0.64    0.0237 
log file parallel write                 59        0.76    0.0129 
control file parallel write             41        0.90    0.0220 
client message                         741        1.85    0.0025 
db file sequential read                196        2.50    0.0128 
rdbms ipc reply                          7        2.79    0.3986 
process startup                          5        5.00    1.0000 
smon timer                               4      329.33   82.3325 
pmon timer                             179      532.75    2.9763 
rdbms ipc message                      592     1603.03    2.7078 

The V$SYSTEM_EVENT is a great view for showing you how much time you spend doing particular things. For example, the above shows that we spend about 13 ms doing a log file write...not bad.


First and most importantly...this is unsupported software. And it's not terribly robust either; for example, there's no built-in way to exit the program once you've started it. But WW gets the job done. So don't call me or anyone else at Oracle about WW. Of course, I'm interested in what you do with this and any suggestions (and code!) you have for improvements.

Next, it was written for Digital's VMS operating system. If you need it on some other O/S, you'll have to port it. But, there are only two VMS-specific to get the current time and another to wait (hibernate, sleep) for a specified amount of time. Porting isn't a big deal.

WW works by executing a SQL query against the appropriate V$ table, and sprintf's the output to a huge array, complete with ANSI escape sequences to control cursor positioning, erasing, and bolding of lines. Once the query results have all been returned, the array is printf'd to the screen. Why do this? Because it makes for fast, clean response time...much better than printf'ing a line at a time. Problem with this is that the V$SESSION_EVENT can return more info than will fit into the screen array, causing you to potentially overwrite other storage. That view has never been all that useful to me (recall my earlier comments about it), so I've never worried about it.

WW works best when running against a wide and tall screen...this keeps it from wrapping and scrolling.

The username/password to access the database is hard-coded into the program. While this isn't a problem for us that do benchmarking at Oracle, it is probably a problem for you. Best to externalize this to the command line.

The include files referenced in the source are standard VMS include files or standard Oracle include files. You should already have your own version of the Oracle files. You're on your own for the O/S-specific files.


Well, that's about it. Just so you know, this was compiled, linked, and verified to run before this was posted, so this stuff really, really does work. Flame the coding all you want, but realize this is something akin to my_first_C_program.C, and was written a while ago.

Good luck with this! I hope it proves useful to someone (otherwise I wouldn't have spent a Friday evening typing this in). I'd like to hear feedback!

Jef (

  • 8<--------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdlib.h>                 /* makes atof() work correctly */ 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <time.h> 
#include <timeb.h> 
#include <ssdef.h>                  /* VMS return statuses */ 
#include <descrip.h>                /* makes $DESCRIPTOR work */ 
#include "ocidfn"                   /* gives us the struct for ORACLE things */ 
#include "oratypes"                 /* used by ocidfn */ 

/* ORACLE data structures & stuff */
typedef struct cda_def ldadef;
ldadef tpclda;  

typedef struct cda_def csrdef;  

csrdef      *sqlcsr; 
char        sqlbuf[1024]; 

#define V$SESSION_WAIT \

    "select sid, seq#, nvl(event,' '), nvl(p1text,' '), p1, nvl(p2text,' '), \

        p2, nvl(p3text,' '), p3, wait_time from v$session_wait order by sid"  


    "select sid, nvl(event,' '), total_waits, time_waited, average_wait from\     v$session_event order by sid, time_waited"  

#define V$SYSTEM_EVENT \

    "select event, total_waits, time_waited, average_wait from v$system_event\     order by time_waited"  

#define ROWS 200  

int sid[ROWS]; /* columns for v$session_wait */ unsigned long seq[ROWS];

char        event[ROWS][80]; 
char        p1text[ROWS][80]; 
long        p1[ROWS]; 
char        p2text[ROWS][80]; 
long        p2[ROWS]; 
char        p3text[ROWS][80]; 
long        p3[ROWS]; 
float       wait_time[ROWS]; 

unsigned long total_waits[ROWS]; /* add'l columns for v$session_event */ unsigned long time_waited[ROWS]; /* ...and v$system_event */ float average_wait[ROWS];  
char        uid[80] = "sys/change_on_install"; 
ub4         err = 0; 
long        status;                 /* return status from lib$ and sys$
calls */  
int         x; 
float       sleeptime = 1;          /* sleep time */ 
int         which = 1;              /* default to session_wait */ 
char        which_s[20]; 

typedef int quadword[2];            /* VMS time needs a quadword to store */ 
quadword    time_bin;               /* time of current sample, binary */ 
char        time_asc[12];           /* ascii version of time to display */ 
$DESCRIPTOR(time_desc,time_asc);    /* Descriptor for time_asc */ 
#define PVMAX 500 
long        prev_val[PVMAX]; 
char        line_buffer[1000]; 
char        screen_buffer[10000]; 
void        usage(); 
void        banner(); 
void        errrpt(); 

/* Main Program */  

main(argc, argv)
  int argc;
  char *argv[];

    /* Handle the command line parameters */  

    if (argc >= 2)

        if (!(status = str$upcase(&which_d,&which_d))) exit(status); 
        if (strcmp(which_s,"SESSION_WAIT") == 0)        which = 1; 
        else if (strcmp(which_s,"SESSION_EVENT") == 0)  which = 2; 
        else if (strcmp(which_s,"SYSTEM_EVENT") == 0)   which = 3; 
        else { 
            printf("Can't determine the wait_type\n\n"); 


    if (argc >= 3) sleeptime = (float) atoi(argv[2]) / 100;  

    if (argc >= 4) strcpy(uid,argv[3]);  

    /* Log on to ORACLE and open a cursor */     printf("Logging on to ORACLE...\n");     if (olon(&tpclda, uid, -1, (char *) -1, -1, 0)) errrpt(&tpclda);  

    printf("Opening cursor\n");
    sqlcsr = (csrdef *)malloc(sizeof(csrdef));     if (oopen(sqlcsr,&tpclda, (text *)0, 0, -1, uid, -1)) errrpt(sqlcsr);  

    /* Do the right query */
    switch (which) {

        case 1: 
            if (oparse(sqlcsr, sqlbuf, -1, 0, 2)) errrpt(sqlcsr); 
            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 1, sid, sizeof(sid[0]),              SQLT_INT, 
0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr); 
            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 2, seq, sizeof(seq[0]),              SQLT_INT, 
0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr); 
            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 3, event, 80,                        SQLT_STR, 
0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr); 
            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 4, p1text, 80,                       SQLT_STR, 
0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr); 
            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 5, p1, sizeof(p1[0]),                SQLT_INT, 
0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr); 
            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 6, p2text, 80,                       SQLT_STR, 
0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr); 
            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 7, p2, sizeof(p2[0]),                SQLT_INT, 
0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr); 
            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 8, p3text, 80,                       SQLT_STR, 
0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr); 
            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 9, p3, sizeof(p3[0]),                SQLT_INT, 
0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr); 
            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 10, wait_time, sizeof(wait_time[0]), SQLT_FLT, 
0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr);  
            while (1) { 
                if (err = oexfet(sqlcsr,ROWS,0,0)) errrpt(sqlcsr); 
                strcat(screen_buffer,"Sid Sequence Event                       
   Wait Time   Additional Information\033[0K\n"); 
                strcat(screen_buffer,"--- -------- 
------------------------------ ----------- ----------------------\033[0K\n"); 
                for (x = 0; x < sqlcsr->rpc; ++x) 
                    if (wait_time[x] == (float) 4.2949673E+09) 
                        wait_time[x] = -100; 
                    if (prev_val[sid[x]] != seq[x]) 
                        prev_val[sid[x]] = seq[x]; 
                    } else { 
                    sprintf(line_buffer,"%3d %8d %-30s %11.2f (%s %d, %s %d, 
%s %d)\033[0K\n", 
                        sid[x], seq[x], event[x], (float) wait_time[x]/100, 
                        p1text[x], p1[x], p2text[x], p2[x], p3text[x], p3[x]); 
                if ( status = lib$wait(&sleeptime) != SS$_NORMAL ) 
        case 2: 
            if (oparse(sqlcsr, sqlbuf, -1, 0, 2)) errrpt(sqlcsr); 
            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 1, sid, sizeof(sid[0]),                  
SQLT_INT, 0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr);

            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 2, event, 80, SQLT_STR, 0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr);

            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 3, total_waits, sizeof(total_waits[0]), SQLT_INT, 0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr);

            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 4, time_waited, sizeof(time_waited[0]), SQLT_INT, 0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr);

            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 5, average_wait, sizeof(average_wait[0]),SQLT_FLT, 0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr);  

            while (1) { 
                if (err = oexfet(sqlcsr,ROWS,0,0)) errrpt(sqlcsr); 
                strcat(screen_buffer,"Sid Event                          Total 
Waits Total Time  Ave Wait\033[0K\n"); 
                strcat(screen_buffer,"--- ------------------------------ 
----------- ----------- ---------\033[0K\n");  
                for (x = 0; x < sqlcsr->rpc; ++x) 
                    sprintf(line_buffer,"%3d %-30s %11d %11.2f %9.4f\033[0K\n", 
                        sid[x], event[x], total_waits[x], 
                        (float) time_waited[x]/100, 
                        (float) average_wait[x]/100); 
                if ( status = lib$wait(&sleeptime) != SS$_NORMAL ) 
        case 3: 
            if (oparse(sqlcsr, sqlbuf, -1, 0, 2)) errrpt(sqlcsr); 
            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 1, event, 80,                            
SQLT_STR, 0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr);

            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 2, total_waits, sizeof(total_waits[0]), SQLT_INT, 0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr);

            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 3, time_waited, sizeof(time_waited[0]), SQLT_INT, 0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr);

            if (odefin(sqlcsr, 4, average_wait, sizeof(average_wait[0]),SQLT_FLT, 0, (short *) 0, (char *) 0, 0, 0, (short *) 0, (short *) 0)) errrpt(sqlcsr);  

            while (1) { 
                if (err = oexfet(sqlcsr,ROWS,0,0)) errrpt(sqlcsr); 
                strcat(screen_buffer,"Event                          Total 
Waits Total Time  Ave Wait\033[0K\n"); 
----------- ----------- ---------\033[0K\n");  
                for (x = 0; x < sqlcsr->rpc; ++x) 
                    sprintf(line_buffer,"%-30s %11d %11.2f %9.4f\033[0K\n", 
                        event[x], total_waits[x], (float) time_waited[x]/100, 
                        (float) average_wait[x]/100); 
                if ( status = lib$wait(&sleeptime) != SS$_NORMAL ) 
        /* end switch */ 


void errrpt(cur)
csrdef *cur;

    text msg[2048];
    if (cur->rc == 1403) return;
    if (cur->rc) {

        (void) ocierr(cur, cur->rc, msg, 2048); 
        (void) printf("%s\n", msg); 


void usage()

    printf("    $ WW [wait_type [interval [username/password]]]\n"); 
    printf("        wait_type   = SESSION_WAIT (default) | SESSION_EVENT | 
    printf("        interval    = 100's of seconds; defaults to 1 second 
    printf("        username/password defaults to SYS/CHANGE_ON_INSTALL\n"); 


void banner()

    /* Get the current time and convert it to ascii */     if (status = sys$gettim(&time_bin) != SS$_NORMAL) lib$stop(status);     if (status = sys$asctim(0,&time_desc,&time_bin,1) != SS$_NORMAL) lib$stop(status);

    sprintf(line_buffer,"\033[H%s at %s (time interval %6.2f seconds)\033[0K\n\033[0K\n",

    screen_buffer[0]= '\0';

/* end of file */

  "...I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing." -- Pet Shop Boys
Received on Sat Oct 15 1994 - 04:09:06 CET

Original text of this message