Outer joins with Operands of OR

From: M a r k <MarkB_at_aboy.demon.co.uk>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 20:26:09 +0000
Message-ID: <773007969snz_at_aboy.demon.co.uk>

In Version 7 the following will give an error:-

select *

from   	tabA a,
       	tabB b
	a.fld1	=	b.fld1(+)
and     b.fld2 is null
	a.fld2 	=	'ANYTHING YOU LIKE'

the error being something not unakin to:

Cannot use outer join in operand of OR or IN.

This didn't happen in Version 6, although Oracle say that, actually, the outer join was ignored and no error was given. Me, I don't think so, and I'm trying to find code I wrote under Version 6 that usefully ORed outer-joins. Unfortunately, I'm at a Version7 site, so it's difficult to prove my point.

This is becoming an obsession with me. I think I need professional psychiatric help.

In the meantime, contributions to this discussion will be fallen upon with an eagerness that might surprise you.


Lyric Quiz of the Week: "Even Presidents have newspaper lovers.
                         Ministers go crawling under covers."
Received on Thu Jun 30 1994 - 22:26:09 CEST

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