How safe is Netware Oracle server?

From: Nigel Williams <>
Date: 19 Apr 1994 07:18:06 GMT
Message-ID: <>

We are currently running a Netware (3.12) based Oracle server. My concern is crashes in any one part of the server can bring down the whole system. For example if a network NLM crashes it can bring down the Oracle server or vice versa. My feeling is that a UNIX based server would offer greater protection as most Oracle/UNIX implementations use a protected memory environment. Backups provide some level of security however it assumes that the recovery procedures can detect any damage. UNIX based servers however tend to cost more in terms of support and initial outlay.

The above observation is made given:

  1. Netware NLMs run at RING0 protection on INTEL processors and therefore have complete access to the hardware (and all instructions).
  2. Not all NLMs are well behaved, especially those recently released or with new features.
  3. UNIX based Oracle servers run at "user level privilege" and if they crash the remainder of the system is unaffected.
  4. Ignorance of the Novell product line, upgrades or new products which may fix item 1.

I would appreciate any comments by those that have faced a similar choice.

Nigel. Received on Tue Apr 19 1994 - 09:18:06 CEST

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