Re: DB Space Utilization Reports Needed

From: Joe Minnich <>
Date: 19 Mar 1994 01:52:20 GMT
Message-ID: <2mdlsk$>

In article <>, (Josh Garrett) writes:

|> I've just started getting into Oracle and have been running some
|> stress tests of our application.  Problem is, how can you determine
|> the actual bytes used vs. bytes allocated by table and by index?
|> If anyone could forward some information or SQL for reporting, it
|> would be much appreciated.

I have developed xorafree utility script that we run from cron bi-monthly to evaluate our tablespace freespace/fragmentation, segment extent and block allocation. The output can be optionally filtered for error thresholds. Specific types of free space checking can be specified via command line switches. The alarm/error output then gets mailed to several people for all of our databases.

The only method that I am currenlty aware of for evaulating actual block usage on table and index segments is not real clean.

Tables: % blocks used - estimate

   (count(distinct(rowid file||block))) / blocks allocated

Indexes: % blocks used

    validate the index
    this will place index statistics in an X$ kernel table which is     accessable via the oracle supplied view index_stats     (leaf_blocks+branch_blocks) / blocks allocated

This must be done for each segment of interest. It can be a time consuming depending on the size of your segments. Here are some of the xorafree sql code pieces which handle building a temp sql script for tables and indexes.


if [ "${ORAblkinfo}" ]; then
  f_debug "Including table block stats"
  cat >> ${ORAsqltmp} <<!
spool ${ORAblktmp}

select 'set head off;                                              ',

'set verify off; ',
'set echo off; ',
'set pages 0; ',
'set termout off; ',
'set feedback off; ',
'set recsep off; ',
'set doc off; ',
'spool ${ORAblkdata};'

from dual;
col Brdate format a11;
col Bsegname format a31 trunc;
col Bblks format 99999990;
col Bpct format 99.90;
set space 0;
select 'select ''B '',                                              ',

' to_char(sysdate,''YYMMDDHH24MI'') Brdate, ',
' '''||segment_name||''' Bsegname, ',
' '||blocks||' Bblks,'' '', ',
' trunc(count(distinct(substr(rowid,1,8)||substr(rowid,15,4)))/',
' '||blocks||'*10000)/100 Bpct ',
'from '||owner||'.'||segment_name||'; '
from dba_segments
where segment_type = 'TABLE'
and tablespace_name ${ORAtspsel2}
and tablespace_name != 'SYSTEM'
and segment_name ${ORAtabsel}
order by segment_name;

spool off;
start ${ORAblktmp};


if [ "${ORAidxinfo}" ]; then
  f_debug "Including index stats info"
  cat >> ${ORAsqltmp} <<!
spool ${ORAivaltmp}

select 'set head off;                                              ',

'set verify off; ',
'set echo off; ',
'set pages 0; ',
'set termout off; ',
'set feedback off; ',
'set recsep off; ',
'set doc off; ',
'set space 0; ',
'spool ${ORAidxdata}; '
from dual; select 'validate index '||owner||'.'||index_name||';' ,
'select ''I ''|| ',
' to_char(sysdate,''YYMMDDHH24MI'')||'' ''|| ',
' rpad(name,20,'' '')||'' ''|| ',
' lpad(lf_rows,09,'' '')||'' ''|| ',
' lpad(blocks,06,'' '')||'' ''|| ',
' lpad(lf_blks,06,'' '')||'' ''|| ',
' lpad(br_blks,05,'' '')||'' ''|| ',
' lpad(trunc((lf_blks+br_blks)/blocks*100) ',
' ,3,'' '')||'' ''|| ',
' lpad(trunc(del_lf_rows_len/decode(lf_rows_len,0,1,lf_rows_len)*100)',
' ,3,'' '')||'' ''|| ',
' lpad(trunc(most_repeated_key/decode(lf_rows,0,1,lf_rows)*100)',
' ,3,'' '') ',
'from index_stats ',
'where trunc((lf_blks+br_blks)/blocks*100) >= ${EXCidxuse} ',
'or trunc(del_lf_rows_len/decode(lf_rows_len,0,1,lf_rows_len)*100)',
' >= ${EXCidxdel}; '
from dba_indexes
where tablespace_name ${ORAtspsel2}
and tablespace_name != 'SYSTEM'
and table_name ${ORAtabsel}
order by index_name;
spool off;
start ${ORAivaltmp};

Hope this helps. Thanks,

joseph r minnich Received on Sat Mar 19 1994 - 02:52:20 CET

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