Re: Backup Unix Scripts

From: <>
Date: 27 Feb 94 17:26:02 EST
Message-ID: <>

In article <2kqjhr$>, (Larry S. Dare) writes:

> While I am working on produceing some ORACLE7 backup scripts,
> ones which query the database to see what files need to be backup, control logs, redo logs, and the like, and then write the shell script to produce the script.I was wondering if anyone already has some, and if they would post them.  
> I should be posting the one I produce in about a week, so please no mail asking for them.
> Thanks
> Larry Dare
> ldare_at_wdni

I advertized the following scripts a while back on this newsgroup, and got a lot of response. I didn't actually post them to the newsgroup at that time.

These scripts don't actually determine which files need to be backed up. It assumes that you are going to do a complete backup of the volume or directories that contain the oracle datafiles, control files, etc. It does dynamically determine which databases to back up, and whether to do a cold or hot backup.

Bob Swisshelm                |     | 317 276 5472
Eli Lilly and Company        | Lilly Corporate Center  | Indianapolis, IN 46285
If you find any bugs, I'd appreciate it if you would let me know what they are.

Each file is separated by a dashed lines that contain the filename.

The files are:

Backup			c shell script that drives the backup
backup_arch		c shell script that backs up the archived redo logs
backup_sys		c shell script that backups all mount points defined to
			our system
end_oracle_backup	c shell script that drives the process of setting
			END BACKUP for all tablespaces in an instance, backing
			up the control file, and switching the log file.
shutdown		c shell script to shut down an instance
startup			c shell script to start up an instance
start_oracle_backup	c shell script that drives the process of setting
			BEGIN BACKUP for all tablespaces in an instance
backup_control.sql	SQL script that backs up the control file to the
			archive location
build_alter_backup.sql	SQL script that builds a script that will set 
			BEGIN or END backup for all tablespaces in an
switch_logfile.sql	SQL script that switches the logfile


#! /bin/csh -x
# Backup script
# This script drives the backup procedure for all of the disks on the
# system, including the ORACLE data disks. It does a 'hot' backup, which
# means that ORACLE is still up while the backups are going on.
# Assumptions:
# 1. All ORACLE databases are defined in /var/opt/oracle/oratab
# 2. The environment variable LLY_ARCH_ROOT points to the directory where
# ORACLE archive logs are stored. Each database will have its own
# subdirectory within this directory.
# 3. The c shell scripts called by this procedure are in
# the directory defined below as DIR.
# 4. The SQL scripts used are in $ORACLE_BASE/local/sql
# 5. The backup_sys script has been modified to back up all volumes
# 6. The logs will be placed in $ORACLE_BASE/local/log
# 7. This script needs to run as root.
# 8. An OPS$ORACLE account has been created so that the oracle unix id can
# log into sqlplus using a /

# Set up initial directory for scripts
set DIR = $ORACLE_BASE/local/csh
# get instance list from /var/opt/oracle/oratab
# use awk to pull the first word (delimited by a :) that does not begin with
# a # or a space.
set INSTANCE_LIST = `awk -F: 'substr($1,1,1) != " " && substr($1,1,1) != "#" {print $1}' /var/opt/oracle/oratab` set ARCH_LIST = set NOARCH_LIST = foreach INSTANCE ($INSTANCE_LIST)
# check to see if the log writer process is running for this instance.
# If it is, the instance is assumed to be up. If the instance is down
# we don't have to do anything special to back it up.
# The output from the ps command will actually include the grep command
# that follows in the pipeline. So, the first grep will have an extra
# line. The second grep removes the extra line.
if ("`ps -ef | grep -w ora_smon_$INSTANCE | grep -v grep`" != "") then
# if we got this far, the instance is up. Now check to see if it
# archives, by looking for the archive background process. If it does
# archive, add the instance to the ARCH_LIST. If not, add it to
if ("`ps -ef | grep -w ora_arch_$INSTANCE | grep -v grep`" != "") then set ARCH_LIST = "$ARCH_LIST $INSTANCE" else set NOARCH_LIST = "$NOARCH_LIST $INSTANCE" endif endif end echo "Starting $DIR/Backup at `date`" echo ""
# Set 'BEGIN BACKUP' for all tablespaces in all instances that do archiving
echo "Running $DIR/start_oracle_backup to prepare ORACLE instances for backup" echo "" foreach INSTANCE ($ARCH_LIST) su - oracle -c "$DIR/start_oracle_backup $INSTANCE" end
# Shutdown instances that don't do archiving
echo "Shutting down ORACLE instances that don't archive" echo "" foreach INSTANCE ($NOARCH_LIST) su - oracle -c "$ORACLE_BASE/local/csh/shutdown $INSTANCE" end
# Backup filesystems with backup_sys script
echo "Running $DIR/backup_sys to backups filesystems" echo "" $DIR/backup_sys
# Set 'END BACKUP' for all tablespaces in all instances
echo "Running $DIR/end_oracle_backup to tell ORACLE that the backup is done" echo "" foreach INSTANCE ($ARCH_LIST) su - oracle -c "$DIR/end_oracle_backup $INSTANCE" end echo "Starting up ORACLE instances that don't archive" echo "" foreach INSTANCE ($NOARCH_LIST) su - oracle -c "$ORACLE_BASE/local/csh/startup $INSTANCE" end
# Run procedure to backup archive directories
echo "Running $DIR/backup_arch to backup the ORACLE archive logs" echo "" $DIR/backup_arch unsetenv LLY_ARCH_ROOT
# Finished
echo "Finished at `date`" echo "" ----------------------------------------------------------- local/csh/backup_arch -----------------------------------------------------------
#! /bin/csh
set LOG = $ORACLE_BASE/local/log/archlog.`date +%m%d%y` set NRTAPE = /dev/rmt/0n set TAPE = /dev/rmt/0 set MT = "/usr/bin/mt" set HOSTNAME = "/usr/ucb/hostname" set DUMP = "/usr/sbin/ufsdump" echo "Starting backup of `$LLY_ARCH_ROOT` at `date`" >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Dumping $LLY_ARCH_ROOT filesystem..." >>& $LOG ($DUMP 0nudsbf 54000 13000 126 $NRTAPE $LLY_ARCH_ROOT) >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Rewinding tape" >>& $LOG $MT -t $TAPE rew echo "Removing old archive files" >>& $LOG find $LLY_ARCH_ROOT -name 'arch*.dbf' -mtime +3 -print -exec rm {} \; >>& $LOG echo "Removing old log files" >>& $LOG find $ORACLE_BASE/local/log -name '*.log' -mtime +14 -print -exec rm {} \; >>& $LOG echo "Backup completed at `date`" >>& $LOG ----------------------------------------------------------- local/csh/backup_sys -----------------------------------------------------------
#! /bin/csh
# Backup_SYS : Simple C-shell script to call dump for the following
# filesystems : / /usr /home /disk1 /disk2 /disk3 /disk4
# Written by : Douglas James
# October 27, 1993
set LOG = $ORACLE_BASE/local/log/dumplog.`date +%m%d%y` set NRTAPE = /dev/rmt/0n set TAPE = /dev/rmt/0 set MT = "/usr/bin/mt" set HOSTNAME = "/usr/ucb/hostname" set DUMP = "/usr/sbin/ufsdump" $MT -t $TAPE rew echo "Starting backup of `$HOSTNAME` at `date`" >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Dumping root filesystem..." >>& $LOG ($DUMP 0nudsbf 54000 13000 126 $NRTAPE /) >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Dumping usr filesystem.." >>& $LOG ($DUMP 0nudsbf 54000 13000 126 $NRTAPE /var) >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Dumping usr filesystem.." >>& $LOG ($DUMP 0nudsbf 54000 13000 126 $NRTAPE /opt) >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Dumping usr filesystem.." >>& $LOG ($DUMP 0nudsbf 54000 13000 126 $NRTAPE /usr) >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Dumping disk01 filesystem.." >>& $LOG ($DUMP 0nudsbf 54000 13000 126 $NRTAPE /disk01) >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Dumping disk02 filesystem.." >>& $LOG ($DUMP 0nudsbf 54000 13000 126 $NRTAPE /disk02) >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Dumping disk03 filesystem.." >>& $LOG ($DUMP 0nudsbf 54000 13000 126 $NRTAPE /disk03) >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Dumping disk04 filesystem.." >>& $LOG ($DUMP 0nudsbf 54000 13000 126 $NRTAPE /disk04) >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Dumping disk05 filesystem.." >>& $LOG ($DUMP 0nudsbf 54000 13000 126 $NRTAPE /disk05) >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Dumping disk06 filesystem.." >>& $LOG ($DUMP 0nudsbf 54000 13000 126 $NRTAPE /disk06) >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Dumping disk07 filesystem.." >>& $LOG ($DUMP 0nudsbf 54000 13000 126 $NRTAPE /disk07) >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Dumping disk08 filesystem.." >>& $LOG ($DUMP 0nudsbf 54000 13000 126 $NRTAPE /disk08) >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Dumping disk09 filesystem.." >>& $LOG ($DUMP 0nudsbf 54000 13000 126 $NRTAPE /disk09) >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Backup completed at `date`" >>& $LOG ----------------------------------------------------------- local/csh/backup_arch~ -----------------------------------------------------------
#! /bin/csh
set LOG = $ORACLE_BASE/local/log/archlog.`date +%m%d%y` set NRTAPE = /dev/rmt/0n set TAPE = /dev/rmt/0 set MT = "/usr/bin/mt" set HOSTNAME = "/usr/ucb/hostname" set DUMP = "/usr/sbin/ufsdump" echo "Starting backup of `$LLY_ARCH_ROOT` at `date`" >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Dumping $LLY_ARCH_ROOT filesystem..." >>& $LOG ($DUMP 0nudsbf 54000 13000 126 $NRTAPE $LLY_ARCH_ROOT) >>& $LOG echo "" >>& $LOG echo "Rewinding tape" >>& $LOG $MT -t $TAPE rew echo "Removing old archive files" >>& $LOG find $LLY_ARCH_ROOT -name 'arch*.dbf' -mtime +3 -print -exec rm {} \; >>& $LOG echo "Backup completed at `date`" >>& $LOG ----------------------------------------------------------- local/csh/end_oracle_backup -----------------------------------------------------------
# start_oracle_backup
inst $1 setenv ARCH_LOC $LLY_ARCH_ROOT/${1}/ sqlplus / _at_${ARCH_LOC}alter_${1}_backup end sqlplus / _at_$ORACLE_BASE/local/sql/backup_control $ARCH_LOC sqlplus / _at_$ORACLE_BASE/local/sql/switch_logfile ----------------------------------------------------------- local/csh/start_oracle_backup -----------------------------------------------------------
# start_oracle_backup
inst $1 setenv ARCH_LOC $LLY_ARCH_ROOT/${1}/ sqlplus / _at_$ORACLE_BASE/local/sql/build_alter_backup $1 $ARCH_LOC sqlplus / _at_${ARCH_LOC}alter_${1}_backup begin ----------------------------------------------------------- local/csh/startup -----------------------------------------------------------
#! /bin/csh
echo "" echo "Starting up $1" echo "" inst $1 sqldba <<EOF connect internal startup EOF ----------------------------------------------------------- local/csh/shutdown -----------------------------------------------------------
#! /bin/csh
echo "" echo "Shutting down $1" echo "" inst $1 sqldba <<EOF connect internal shutdown immediate EOF ----------------------------------------------------------- local/sql/backup_control.sql ----------------------------------------------------------- define location = &1 alter database backup controlfile to '&location.control.con' reuse; set pause off set pagesize 0 set linesize 132 set heading off set feedback off set verify off spool &location.dbfile.lis select * from dba_data_files; spool off exit ----------------------------------------------------------- local/sql/build_alter_backup.sql ----------------------------------------------------------- set pause off set pagesize 0 set linesize 132 set heading off set feedback off set verify off set escape on define instance = &1 define arch_location = &2 spool &arch_location.alter_&instance._backup.sql select 'set echo on' from dual; select 'define action = \&1' from dual; select 'spool &arch_location.\&action._&instance._backup.err' from dual; select 'alter tablespace '|| tablespace_name || ' \&action backup;' from sys.dba_tablespaces where status = 'ONLINE'; select 'spool off' from dual; select 'exit' from dual; spool off; exit ----------------------------------------------------------- local/sql/switch_logfile.sql ----------------------------------------------------------- alter system switch logfile; exit
Received on Sun Feb 27 1994 - 23:26:02 CET

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