SQL*Net DECnet AND eXcursion

From: Reinhard Brantner <brantner_at_pbox.joanneum.ac.at>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 11:20:54
Message-ID: <brantner.4.000B5984_at_pbox.joanneum.ac.at>

Is it possible to run the follwing software products on one PC under one configuration ?

eXcursion v1.1c (Digita Equipment Corp.) SQL*Net DECnet (ORACLE)

On the PCs we use the following system software:

MS-DOS 5.0 / 6.0
Pathworks 4.0
Windows 3.1

It is possible to use eXcursion as your X11-emulation under Windows, if we configure "Pathworks 4.0" as our network protocol, but then SQL*Net gives us an Error ORA-6412: bad read length if we try to connect to our DB-server.

It is also possible to use SQL*Net to manipulate our data on the DB-server via e.q. Q+E or other database editors, but then it is necessary to configure "Microsoft (or 100% compatible)" as our network protocol under windows. If we use this protocol on the other hand it is not possible to use eXcursion.

Who is to blame for this incompatibility ? Of course DEC will say ORACLE and ORACLE wil tell me, that this is DEC´s fault.

Is there anyone out who has solved this problem now (not with announceware but with software products available) ?

We haven´t upgraded to Pathworks 4.1, because ORCALE told us, that there is an even greater incompatibility between PW 4.1 and ORACLE and we should stay at version 4.0.

Thanks in advance...

Reinhard Brantner

JOANNEUM RESEARCH                   Tel:                  +43 (0)316 8020 196
c/o Reinhard Brantner               Fax:                  +43 (0)316 8020 191
Steyrergasse 17                   X.400:   <C=at;A=ada;P=joanneum;S=brantner>
A-8010 Graz / AUSTRIA          Internet:         brantner_at_pbox.joanneum.ac.at

Received on Mon Dec 13 1993 - 11:20:54 CET

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