Re: Case insensitive queries

From: Fred Schulz <>
Date: 5 Nov 1993 18:28 CST
Message-ID: <>

Here is some actual working code. I'm not quite sure why it's written this way. It was a loong time ago (you mean people still use forms??!!).


         NAME = PRE-QUERY
         TRIGGER_TYPE = V3
         TEXT = <<<
         if  :point.point_desc is not NULL then
             := '#=point_desc and upper(point_desc) like '''||
             upper(:point.point_desc) ||'''';
         end if;
         if  :point.status is not NULL then
             := '#=status and upper(status) like '''||
             upper(:point.status) ||'''';
         end if;
         if  :point.latest_text_value is not NULL then
             := '#=latest_text_value and upper(latest_text_value) like '''||
             upper(:point.latest_text_value) ||'''';
         end if;

Received on Sat Nov 06 1993 - 01:28:00 CET

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