Re: Form level procedures and functions

From: Steven P. Muench <>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1993 02:18:34 GMT
Message-ID: <>

TIM -- Some help...

Q: I understand that pl-sql supports the data type BOOLEAN - can I

   pass a boolean data type back to an on-validate-field trigger ?

  1. Sure. Presume you have a Form-level function defined as follows so that it returns boolean TRUE in the case the employee number passed in exists in the EMP table, and FALSE otherwise.
       FUNCTION Valid_Employee( fp_EmpNo NUMBER )
         CURSOR c_Emp ( cp_EmpNo NUMBER ) 
             IS SELECT 'x'
                  FROM EMP
                 WHERE EMPNO = cp_EmpNo;
         lv_FoundOne BOOLEAN;
         lv_Tmp      VARCHAR2(1);
         OPEN c_Emp(fp_EmpNo);
         FETCH c_Emp INTO lv_Tmp;
         lv_FoundOne := c_Emp%FOUND;
         CLOSE c_Emp;

-- Return the Boolean outcome of the
-- above FETCH.
RETURN lv_FoundOne; END;

   Then, you could have an ON-VALIDATE-FIELD trigger    (WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM in Forms 4.0 parlance) which contains the code:

         MESSAGE('Give your fail message here');
         RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;
       END IF;

   Or, if you're looking for something more generic, you could write a    form-level procedure called Assert, for example, that says:

       PROCEDURE Assert( pp_expr BOOLEAN ) IS
         IF NOT pp_expr THEN
           MESSAGE('Could have more customized message here.');
           RAISE Form_Trigger_Failure;
         END IF;

    In which case your Validation trigger becomes:

       Assert( Valid_Employee( :YOUREMPBLOCK.EMPNO ) );   

   You could get fancy and have each Valid_% routine set a global with    a custom error message that the 'Assert' procedure could print, but    this should get you started.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   Steve Muench Email:   Forms Development
  Product Manager Received on Wed Oct 13 1993 - 03:18:34 CET

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