SQL*PLUS cheat sheet - comments?

From: Mark AuBuchon <mya_at_lindy.Stanford.EDU>
Date: 8 Oct 1993 00:31:36 -0700
Message-ID: <29350o$rm6_at_lindy.Stanford.EDU>

Hi, I put together this SQL*PLUS cheat sheet as a project and also to learn at the same time. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks,
- Mark

SQL QUERY STATEMENTS -      Retrieving Data -  

-select * from emp; (retrieves all columns of data from the EMP table)
-select ename, job from emp; (retrieves only selected columns (ename, job))
-select ename "Employee", job from emp; (provides "alias" name for column name)
-select distinct job from emp; (retrieves only distinct values (no duplicates))

    Where Clause - to narrow the rows returned to specific criteria:       (used in SQL Select, Insert, Update, and Delete statements)  (Compound Where Clauses are formed by using logical operators between Clauses)  

-select deptno, dname, loc from dept where loc = 'Dallas';

    Subqueries - allows a where clause to use a query result as criteria.
-select ename, job from emp where deptno = (select deptno

                                  from emp where ename = 'Smith');
    ANY or ALL operators - used when subqueries return more than one row.
  • "{relational operator} ANY" returns any true result from the sub-query back to the main query.
  • "{relational operator} ALL" returns results back to the main query only when all the sub-query results will cause the where clause to evaluate as true.

    Join Query - allows columns to be joined together from two or more tables.
-select ename, job, loc from emp, dept where emp.deptno = dept.deptno;

    Join Query using where clause - joins columns and selects rows by criteria.

  • select ename, job, loc from dept, emp where dept.deptno = emp.deptno and dname = 'RESEARCH';

   Result Ordering -  

order by:
-select ename, job from emp order by sal; (sorts rows by sal (ascending order))
-select ename, job, deptno from emp order by deptno, sal desc; (ordering on

                                    (more than one column in descending order)

group by: (columns are grouped into individual rows - by each group)
-select job, avg(sal) from emp group by job; (returns average salary per job)

   Having clause - equivalent to a where clause for a 'group by' result.

  • select job, avg(sal) from emp group by job having avg(sal) < 2000;

   Storing/Updating Data -  

-insert into dept (deptno, dname, loc)

 values (50, 'IS', 'San Francisco')

  • enclose character strings or dates in single quotes * or
    -insert into dept values (50, 'IS', 'San Francisco') *need to account for
    all fields/columns*
    -insert into newdept [col1, col2] select col1, col2 from dept [where ...]
    • columns and datatypes must match between the two tables * Delete:
      -delete from dept; (deletes all rows in dept table)
      -delete from dept where deptno = 50; (deletes rows based on where clause)

Update: (updates column fields to new value(s))
-update dept set dname = 'Networking'; (changes dname field in all rows)
-update dept set dname = 'Networking'

  where deptno = 50; (changes column fields that meet where clause criteria)  

Create table:
-create table anytable ( col1 char(8) not null, col2 number(10), col3 date )
see explanations below: ^Datatype ^Constraints ^Length
-create table localemp as select * from emp where deptno = 50;
 (results from the select clause are copied into the new table)  

  Char (character values)
  Varchar2 (same as char without padding out of defined column length w/blanks)   Number (numerical values)
  Date (date values)
 Constraints: "Not Null" after a column definition specifies

                that the column must have a value for every row.
              "Primary Key" one column per table that 
              must have a unique non-null value for that row.

Create view: (creates alternate view of selected data or stores a complex  query, which can be queried with a select statement. When creating a view  with an alias column name do not use double quotes)  

-create view bigbucks as select ename employee, job, sal from emp
 where sal >= 3000;  

Rename: (object - table, view, synonym)
-rename table emp to employees;

Alter table add: (used to add new columns to a table)
-alter table dept add (numb_of_emp number(10));

Alter table modify: (change a column's defined characteristics)
-alter table dept modify (loc varchar2(32));

Drop (object) (deletes table or view)
-drop view bigbucks;


relational operators (used within expressions)

  • "=" equals
  • "!=" not equal
  • < or <= less than or less than or equal
  • > or >= greater than or greater than equal
  • in (matches rows that have at least one value of a defined set) select * from abc where a = ('a','b');
  • null (matches rows that have a null value (i.e. no value) in the column
  • not null (matches rows that do not have a null value in the column
  • like: character pattern matching - "_" * must use "like" and pattern "%" matching symbols together * "_" (underscore) matches any single character per underscore. "%" (percent sign) matches any number of characters at or after it's position in the value.
    • select ename, job from emp where job like 'ANALY__'; (varchar2)
    • select ename, job from emp where job like 'ANALY____'; (char(9))
    • select ename, job from emp where job like 'AN%';

logical operators (used within compound where clauses)

  • and
    • select ename, job from emp where job = 'CLERK' and hiredate > '03-DEC-81';
  • or
    • select ename, job from emp where job = 'CLERK' or job like '%MAN%';
      • not (negates conditional expression, also used in single expressions)
    • select ename, job from emp where sal >= 3000 and not job = 'PRESIDENT'

set operators

  • union (merges two result sets into one combined set)
  • intersect (selects just the common values of two result sets)
  • minus (selects values in the first result set not present in the second)

expression operators

  • arithmetic: + (plus), - (minus), * (multiply), / (divide)
  • character: || (concatenate)

   (f=function, c=char values or column, n=numeric values) single row character
- initcap - f(c): capitalizes the first letter of a word leaving rest lowercase

  • upper - f(c): changes a string to all UPPERCASE letters
  • lower - f(c): changes a string to all lowercase letters
  • length - f(c): returns the character length of a string
  • lpad - f(c1,n,c2): pads c1 with n characters to the left. c2=pad char.
  • rpad - f(c1,n,c2): pads c2 with n characters to the right. c2=pad char.
  • substr: f(c,n1,n2): extracts a sub-string starting at n1. n2=substring length
  • instr: f(c1,c2,n1,n2): returns position of c2 in c1. n1=starting position in c1. n2=occurrence of c2
  • decode: f(expr,c1,trans1,c2,trans2,...,default): evaluates expression and substitutes 'translation' if 'c' is present. 'default' returned if no match.

single row number
- round - round(n1,n2): rounds n1 to n2 precision of decimal places

  • trunc - trunc(n1,n2): truncates n1 to n2 decimal places. default is 0.
  • abs - abs(n): returns the absolute value of n
  • nvl - nvl(expr1,expr2): if a value is null then expression2 is substituted for expr1. If not, expr1 is used. expr1 must = the datatype of expr2.

group functions: (provide group summary information)
- min(sal): returns minimim value - count(*): returns count of all rows

  • max(sal): returns maximum value - count(sal): returns count of non-null rows
  • avg(sal): returns average value - sum(sal): returns sum of rows note - avg, sum functions work with numeric values only. count, max, min work with numeric, character and date values.

conversion functions (convert datatypes from one type to another)
- to_char - to_char(expr, format mask): to_char(hiredate, 'MM/DD/YY') will

                          change standard DD-MON-YY output to "10/07/93" style.

- to_date - to_date(chardate, format mask): to_date('10/07/93','MM/DD/YY') will
convert to a date datatype that can be stored.

- to_number - f(c): converts a char numeric value to numeric.

date functions (to manipulate date values) (general date arithmetic: use "+" or "-" with {n | date} in expr)
- add_months(date, n) - add_months(sysdate, +2): returns current month + 2

  • last_day(date) - last_day('07-OCT-93'): returns last day in date's month.
  • next_day(date, day) - next_day('07-OCT-93', 'Sat'): returns date of next day after date.
  • months_between(date1, date2) - returns number of months between two dates.

SQL*PLUS COMMANDS -      Working with SQL statements:  

-start: starts (i.e. "runs") a SQL command file
-get: moves a SQL command file into the SQL buffer
-run or "/": runs the SQL commands currently in the buffer
-save: saves the commands currently in the buffer into a ".sql" command file.
-parameters: (using an ampersand followed by a number in a command file allows

             parameter substitution when using "start" to run the script)
             - rem Parameter example SQL command file saved as 'manparam.sql'
             - select * from emp where mgr = &1
       then: "start manparam 7698" SQL*PLUS substitutes the first parameter
             (i.e. "7698") for the corresponding ampersand and runs the command.

   Line Editing Commands:
(will work with SQL commands only. SQL*PLUS commands are not captured in buffer)
-list (l): list the current SQL commands in the buffer. The current line is

          marked with an asterisk.
-change (c): c /old/new - changes "old" to "new" on current line.

            c /typo/ deletes the string "typo" from current line.
-append (a): a from emp - appends to end of current line. Need two spaces

            between command and text to equal one space on line.
-input (i): add more command lines after the current line. Hit return on a line

            by itself to end.
-del: delete the current line from the buffer.
-n "text": replaces text on the command line "n".
-clear buffer (cl buff): clears contents of SQL command buffer.

   Report/Formatting commands:  

-describe (object): describes columns, datatypes in order defined.
-column: (formats column display with heading and format specification)

  • column loc format a8 heading 'City'/ column sal format 9999 heading 'Bucks' Then: a "select" naming a column defined with "column" will be displayed in the alphanumeric or numeric format with the new heading.
    -ttitle: (provides report title information at the top of each page)
    • ttitle [left|center|right] 'text' skip [left|center|right] 'text' (skip forces 'text' to skip to next line)
      -btitle: (same syntax as ttitle - provides report title at bottom of page)
      -break: (defines a control break where values in a column change from the
      previous row - used by SQL*PLUS to perform some formatting actions Note: for output to be meaningful the column should be sorted.) syntax: break on {expr|col} [skip n| skip page] [duplicates|nodup]
    • break on job skip 2
    • select job, ename from emp order by job; (will skip 2 lines between jobs and not display duplicates [default])

-compute: (performs a calculation at a defined control break)

          (standard group functions can be used for the calculation type)

  • compute count of ename on job
  • select job, ename from emp order by job; (performs the count calculation when a break is detected for the job column. The result is printed on a separate line before the break "skip".)

   Setting Options:  

set pause {on | off}:
set pagesize: (controls scrolling on screen) (i.e. 24) define _EDITOR=<host_editor_name>
'login.sql' file: "saved" file with a collection of SQL*PLUS commands to

                  execute when entering SQL*PLUS.
   Other Commands:  

spool [filename] {on | off}: toggles capturing SQL*PLUS output to a file. "host <ls>" or "!<dir>": execute the host operating system command.


"help commands" or "help menu"
for an overview of SQL, SQL*PLUS and PL/SQL topics.  


                              ~  "If the human brain were simple enough
                              ~    for us to understand then
Mark AuBuchon                 ~     we would be to simple to understand it"
email: mya_at_lindy.stanford.edu ~               - Prozac pharmacologist developer
Received on Fri Oct 08 1993 - 08:31:36 CET

Original text of this message