Re: The , key on a real VT100 terminal

From: Michael A. Rife <cc920_at_cleveland.Freenet.Edu>
Date: 1 Sep 1993 19:23:24 GMT
Message-ID: <262srd$h84_at_usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu>

In a previous article, (Richard D Holowczak) says:

>Hi Folks! I have some remote users dialing in to a
>Sun machine. They use some vt-100 terminal emulators
>on their PCs to do this. The problem is, SQL*Forms under
>the vt100 terminal setting (i.e. sqlforms30 -c vt100 )
>requires the use of the vt100 keyboards , key. That is,
>the comma key located on the numeric keypad.
>Does anyone know what escape sequence this key sends out ?
>For example, F1 is the sequence: ^]OP where ^] is the escape key.
>Others are:
>F2 ^]OQ
>F3 ^]OR
>F4 ^]OS
>On the numeric keypad, you get:
>KP0 ^]Op
>KP1 ^]Oq
> . . .
>KP8 ^]Ox
>KP9 ^]Oy
>Or, does anyone know another way to execute a query in sqlforms 3.0
>without going up to the menu ?
>Thanks again.
>Rich Holowczak
>Rutgers University

VT100 Key	Escape Sequence
----------	---------------
-		<ESC>Om
,		<ESC>Ol
.		<ESC>On
Received on Wed Sep 01 1993 - 21:23:24 CEST

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