What is v$mts telling me?

From: Daniel B. Bikle <dbikle_at_cco.caltech.edu>
Date: 21 Jul 1993 01:40:53 GMT
Message-ID: <22i6r5INNs56_at_gap.caltech.edu>

My curiosity about v$mts forced me to do this:

select * from v$mts;



------------------- --------------- ------------------ -----------------
                 29               0                  0                 2

Q1: What is the column, MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS telling me?

Well, I don't know, I established 30 connections to find out. Nothing bad happened.

I established 34 connections. Something bad happened: ERROR:
ORA-01041: internal error. hostdef extension doesn't exist

That doesn't tell me much; what's oerr say?

% oerr ora 01041
01041, 00000, "internal error. hostdef extension doesn't exist"
// *Cause: Pointer to hstdef extension in hstdef is null.
// *Action: Report as a bug

I'd report it but I don't have the time to deal w/ 506-1500

Anyone out there have an opinion about this bug?

Anyone out there have an opinion about what the column, MAXIMUM_CONNECTIONS means?

On to the next question.

Q2:Anyone out there have an opinion about what the columns, SERVERS_STARTED and SERVERS_TERMINATED mean?

I suspect that the minimum # of servers is displayed by SERVERS_HIGHWATER and the minimum # of servers is controlled by the Init Param, MTS_SERVERS.

Q3:Does Anyone out there have an opinion about the above statement?

As the database gets busy more servers get automatically spawned by the RDBMS up to a limit set by the Init Param, MTS_MAX_SERVERS (According to Chap 11 of the DBA Guide). Then, as the database gets less busy servers get automatically killed.

So, keeping in mind the discussion above, it would make sense that the columns, SERVERS_STARTED and SERVERS_TERMINATED display a running count of servers spawned and then killed.

The problem with the above statement is it's not supported by output from the following sql statement:

        select * from v$mts;


------------------- --------------- ------------------ -----------------
                 29               0                  0                 2

SERVERS_STARTED and SERVERS_TERMINATED are always zero no matter how busy my database is (or has been).

Q3:Why are these columns always zero? Is v$mts full of garbage or is the mechanism which automatically starts the servers not working?

Additional info:

SunOS Release 4.1.2_DBE (DBE.GENERIC)

ORACLE7 Server Release - Production With the procedural and distributed options PL/SQL Release - Production


Daniel B. Bikle
Received on Wed Jul 21 1993 - 03:40:53 CEST

Original text of this message