help needed in SQL*FORMS

From: explorer <>
Date: 31 Mar 1993 01:39:14 -0600
Message-ID: <>


      I am using two forms : Order_Info  and maintenance_Info.
      Order_Info has two blocks general and parts, joined as 
      master/slave ( general is master block for parts).  
      While entering data in Order_Info it comes to a field called
      maintenance_no. There is a pre-field trigger that calls the
      Maintenance_Info form. The operator enters the maintenance
      information and exits. On exit, there is a key-exit trigger 
      assigning Maintenance_Info's maintenance_no to a global 
      variable :global.m_no and committing the form. 

      My problems:
        a)  the data in the Maintenance_Info is not committed,
            although a message comes 
                  frm-40404 database posting--complete 1 record posted

        b)  the global variable appears to be empty because
            the select statement in pre-field trigger in Order_Info
                  select :global.m_no into :parts.maintenance_no
                  from  maintenance_Info

            does not shows any number appearing on the Order_Info
            maintenance_no (which is the goal of all this!). By
            the way maintenance_no is 

   I guess these two are related: if the data is not committed then    the global is not assigned a value. Am I right in assuming this?    

   Any help or suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

   My e-mail address is


   Thanx in advance. Received on Wed Mar 31 1993 - 09:39:14 CEST

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