Forms Tuning: Index Problem

From: Schillinger <>
Date: 29 Jan 1993 15:28:24 GMT
Message-ID: <>


I'm looking for some help in a bit of performance tuning on a Forms 3.0 form. I think the problem lies in my indices.

Background: Oracle v., SQL*Plus v., PL/SQL v.

	    SQL*Forms v., and operation system Unix on a
	    HP/UX 9000 Series 800.

My form has as its base table a view:

create view person_view as
select u.user_id, u.user_pnr,p.lastname,p.firstname,p.title,p.telefon,

       p.str,,p.institut_name,,i.institut_name_1 from institute i, person p, userid u
where u.user_pnr = p.pers_nr(+) and

      u.inst_nr = i.inst_nr

(The reason for the outer join is that a person may have more than one userid.)

The tables have the following indices:

institute                person                    userid
---------                ------                    ------
i_inst_nr (unique)       i_pers_nr (unique)        i_user_id (unique)
i_city (non-unique)      i_nachname (non-unique)   i_u_inst_nr (non-unique)
						   i_user_pnr (non-unique)


When I do a query on user_id, I get my response very quickly, rightly so. But when I do a query on lastname, response time is very slow. From TKPROF, I can see that my lastname index isn't even used! WHY NOT?

Could that outer join be causing problems?


I've already reordered the list of the tables in the FROM clause of my view (was: userid u, person p, instit i and is now: see above), which helped me quite a bit (about 3 seconds).

I then tried reversing the order of my predicates (i.e. p.pers_nr(+)= u.user_pnr and i.inst_nr=u.inst_nr). That didn't change anything.

I've studied the handbooks on TKPROF and EXPLAIN PLAN, index tuning, etc. So, I created several new concatenated indices (testing, then dropping one at a time) and traced them using TKPROF. I've tried the following indices:
on person(lastname,pers_nr)
on person(pers_nr,lastname)
unique on person(lastname,pers_nr)
on userid(user_id,inst_nr,user_pnr)

The conclusion is that none of them were even used!

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what else I could try?

I hope this is detailed enough to make it understandable. If not, please let me know and I'll try to explain better. I can even provide some trace file output, if necessary.

Thanks in advance for your patience and valuable help!!

Karen Schillinger
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