Re: Query only forms

From: Michael A. Rife <cc920_at_cleveland.Freenet.Edu>
Date: 30 Dec 1992 04:29:05 GMT
Message-ID: <1hr8ihINNn8u_at_usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu>

In a previous article, vkg1_at_Ra.MsState.Edu (VINAY GIDWANI) says:

>I have a form which I am invoking from a menu application.
>I want the form to be a only query form when I invoke it
>from a certain option in a menu. If I invoke it from another
>part it should be a form where I can commit changes etc.
>I tried the packaged procedure CALL_QUERY but could not
>get it to work.
>Any suggestions or hints would be welcome.
>My email address is
>Vinay Gidwani


You have menu MENU01 which has option #1 calling FORM01 in "data entry mode". You want option #2 menu MENU01 to call FORM01 in query-only mode ( ie. CALL_QUERY).


Have option #2 run a FORM02, which in-turn does a CALL_QUERY to FORM01 and then does an EXIT_FORM. This can be accomplished in a KEY-STARTUP trigger or possibly a PRE-FORM. Try it an see. Received on Wed Dec 30 1992 - 05:29:05 CET

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