Re: mapping keyboard in xterm

From: Lloyd E Vancil <>
Date: 16 Dec 92 22:54:34 GMT
Message-ID: <24728_at_suned1.Nswses.Navy.MIL>

In article <> writes:
>We are running on a SUN/UNIX platform OS 4.1.3 whith ORACLE RDBMS 6.0.36 and
>FORMS 3.0.16. We are using shelltool as user interface to forms, but looking for
>a better graphical interface. Now we try to use Xterm instead, but there is some
>problems whit the keypad. If you have experience on mapping keyboards in Xterm
>ore solve the problem with toggling numeric keypad on/off. please mail.
>Jonas Hansson
>Ellemtel Telecommunication Systems Labaratories Mail:

  1. start your xterm with -sf as: xterm -sf -fn courier18 -fb courier-bold18 -cr red -fg ivory -bg black -T "SQL*Plus" -e frm30
       -fn sets the font normal
       -fb sets the font bold
       -cr sets the cusor color
       -bg sets the bacground color
       -fg set the forgound(type) color
        -T sets the title
	-e executes the script frm30 

 Script frm30

 #! /bin/csh -f 

 cd /home4t/gfcsdata/sql
 sqlforms30 -c xtermsun:sun
 exit 0

 The -c xtermsun:sun clause is the other part of this  fiasco. I have taken to setting it into an env variable  called $MY_TERM so that the thing can be changed.

 If you use a shell tool the pair looks like this:

 to open the window

 $OPENWINHOME/bin/shelltool -fn Courier-Bold18

 to start sqlforms

 sqlforms30 -c sun:sun

|S.T.A.R.S. The revolution has begun!|  My Opinions are Mine mine mine hahahah!|
Received on Wed Dec 16 1992 - 23:54:34 CET

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