Re: Oracle's 'Working...' Message - Can it be simulated?

From: Steven P. Muench <>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1992 08:41:45 GMT
Message-ID: <>

>Has anyone ever tried to simulate the Oracle message 'Working...' which
>is automatically displayed when committing a transaction (on a form)?
>Thank you for suggestions.
>Michael Kustermann | Der Vogel kaempft sich aus dem Ei.
>Georgia Institute of Tech.| Das Ei ist die Welt.
>Atlanta, GA 30332 | Wer geboren werden will muss eine
> | Der Vogel fliegt zu Gott. Gott ist Abraxas.

Forms 4.0 adds the optional parameter NO_ACKNOWLEDGE to the Message() builtin procedure so that you can issue many messages that don't require user acknowledgement, even from within the same trigger. We also have a Clear_Message to programmatically clear the messaage line.

        ** Do your thing here that's going to take
        ** a while...

In fact, you could devise a routine to display a working message progress bar on the Message Line to show that a given percentage (pct) of a task is completed...

	procedure show_status (pct number) is
	   str VARCHAR2(80); 
	   bl  NUMBER;
	   wh  NUMBER;
	   bl  := round(70*pct/100);
	   wh  := 70-bl;
	   str := 'Working ['||lpad('#',bl,'#')||lpad(' ',wh,' ')||']';

A glimpse of the not-to-distant future. :-)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   Steve Muench Email:   SQL*Forms Development
  Product Manager    Received on Tue Dec 15 1992 - 09:41:45 CET

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