Re: how to compress database and move indexes to different tablespace

From: <>
Date: 5 Sep 92 08:52:44 CST
Message-ID: <>

Recently, writes:
> I am trying to compress my database. While I am at it I am moving stuff
> into various tablespaces to improve performance and layout. My original
> database has only ONE tablespace "system". My new database will have
> "system", "user", "temp", and "index". I can see how to easily move
> a user's tables into the "user" tablespace by only giving him resource
> in that tablespace and altering his user account so "user" is his default
> tablespace.
This is a very good idea. Also, consider creating a ROLLBACK tablespace just for your rollback segments. And see if you can put each tablespace on a different device.
> However, how to I move the corrisponding indexes? I have tried using the
> "show" option of IMP to generate a file, but this file is in such a poor
> format I cannot use it without EXTENSIVE editing. Does anybody have a
> utility that will take the file generated by the "show" option and make it
> usable? The format I get is ONLY 80 column records and EVERY line is
> enclosed in double quotes.
Yes, "show" has its problems; you could use the "INDEXFILES=filename" option which will create usable CREATE statements. You will have to edit this file carefully to replace the tablespace names. If you are a unix dba then of course this is easy; otherwise you will have to concoct something.

Here's another solution for oracle v6 VMS which can be adapted to anybody's o/s. It is a SQL script that scans the data dictionary to create another SQL script which it then executes:

$!	d. l. mausner. 17-apr-92.
$!	(c) 1992 datalogics, inc.
$	scratch = f$getjpi("","pid")
$	define /user sys$output T'scratch'.com
$	sqlplus -s / _at_sys$input

set pages 0 lines 100 verify off feedb off pause off recsep off column NP format a1 noprint
column TX format a80 word
prompt $	set verify
prompt $	sqlplus -s /

rem	be sure only certain special users have DBA privs.

select 'revoke dba from ' || username || ';' TX from sys.dba_users
where dba_priv = 1 and
username not in ('SYS','SYSTEM','PUBLIC','OPS$ORACLE') and username not in ('OPS$TOPS_SYS','OPS$NSG','OPS$RAS','OPS$MFM') and username like 'OPS$%'

rem be sure temporaries default to TEMP1.

select 'alter user ' || username || ' temporary tablespace TEMP1;' TX from sys.dba_users
where connect_priv = 1 and
temporary_tablespace != 'TEMP1' and
username not in ('SYS','PUBLIC')

rem be sure everyone has resources on INDEX1.

select 'grant resource on index1 to ' || username || ';' TX from sys.dba_users
where connect_priv = 1 and
username not in (
select username from sys.dba_ts_quotas where tablespace_name='INDEX1') and username not in ('SYS','PUBLIC')

rem be sure user indexes are stored in INDEX1 tablespace.

set termout off
drop table u1indexes
set termout on
create table u1indexes (xo, xn, bo, bn, un) as select owner, index_name, table_owner, table_name, decode(uniqueness, 'NONUNIQUE', null, uniqueness) from sys.dba_indexes
where tablespace_name = 'USER1'
'drop index ' || xo || '.' || xn || ';' TX from u1indexes
'create ' || un || ' index ' || xo || '.' || xn || ' on ' || bo || '.' || bn TX, xo NP, xn NP, 0 NP
from u1indexes
decode(column_position, 1, '(', ',') || column_name TX, index_owner NP, index_name NP, column_position NP from sys.dba_ind_columns
where index_name in (select xn from u1indexes) union
') tablespace index1;' TX,
xo NP, xn NP, 999 NP
from u1indexes
order by 2,3,4
set termout off
drop table u1indexes
set termout on
prompt exit

$	_at_T'scratch'.com
$	delete T'scratch'.com;*
$	exit
Dave Mausner, Senior Consultant / Datalogics Inc / Chicago IL / 312-266-4450                                 Motto: Just show me the code
Received on Sat Sep 05 1992 - 16:52:44 CEST

Original text of this message