Condition with more than one table

From: Bahaaddin Ahrari <>
Date: Wed, 20 May 1992 10:41:28 GMT
Message-ID: <>

Most books I've seen advovate the use of the IN keyword when specifying a condition from more than one table. If you have the tables

Deposit with columns branch-name,account-number,customer-name and balace and the table
Borrow with columns branch-name,loan-number,customer-name and you want to find all customers who have both a loan and an account at the Chicago branch, couldn't you just write

SELECT Deposit.customer-name from Deposit,Borrow WHERE   Deposit.customer-name=Borrow.customer-name AND Deposit.branch-name="Chicago"   AND Borrow.brach-name="Chicago"

Is the use of IN really necessary in SQL?

   Thanks for any advice. Received on Wed May 20 1992 - 12:41:28 CEST

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