xCode and instant client for macOSX

From: coficio <alexander.cohen_at_coficio.com>
Date: 30 Mar 2006 12:36:20 -0800
Message-ID: <1143750980.834407.219390_at_u72g2000cwu.googlegroups.com>

[Quoted] Hi, im trying to use the instant client libs in an app that im buildings in C++ in XCode on MacOSX 10.4.5 and im running into a bit of trouble. I need to be able to connect to a remote Oracle server and do some queries and close the connection. With OCCI, it's pretrty straightforward but i'm getting a few errors that are puzzling me. Here are the errors, if anyone can help, i would greatly appreciate it
  • errors -- ld: warning prebinding disabled because dependent library:
    is not prebound ld: warning can't open dynamic library:
    /b/729/rdbms/lib/libclntsh.dylib.10.1 referenced from:
    /Users/Shared/Code/CoFicio/CFDatabaseBase/Oracle mac libs/Oracle
    Libs/libociei.dylib (checking for undefined symbols may be affected) (No such file or directory, errno = 2) ld: Undefined symbols: __ZN6oracle4occi11Environment17createEnvironmentENS1_4ModeEPvPFS3_S3_mEPFS3_S3_S3_mEPFvS3_S3_E __ZN6oracle4occi11Environment20terminateEnvironmentEPS1_
    /usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
  • end errors --


Alex Cohen Received on Thu Mar 30 2006 - 22:36:20 CEST

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