Forms 6.0 / Timers / Canvas with scroll bar

From: PiotrW <>
Date: 20 Jun 2005 01:19:09 -0700
Message-ID: <>

I will describe problem I encounter.
I have multiple forms application with timer which is created in topmost form in chain. I call one form (third or fourth in chain) including canvas with vertical scroll bar so effective length

of that canvas exceeds repeatedly height of the main window. When I focus one of the items
on that canvas, next scroll down the bar and let its go, the bar spontaneously returns to its original position (so that focused item is visible on the screen).
I guess such behaviour is connected with Forms timer. Important: I can't delete timer in topmost form (any modification of that form is out of the question).
Do you know how to solve this problem?
Piotr Received on Mon Jun 20 2005 - 10:19:09 CEST

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