PL/SQL Web Service: return object with object containing an array

From: Dicits2 <>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 13:40:53 +0200
Message-ID: <clta85$9um$>


I'm trying to creat a PL/SQL Web Service using JDeveloper 10g. It's intended to return the following structure:

array 1 (of objects)

      object - array 2 (of objects)
     object - array 2

When I generate the Web Service in JDeveloper it doens't recognize the array 2.
Is it possible to return such a structure?

See the attached code for more info.
Thanks in advance!

create type status as object(o_status_id number(3), o_status_omschr_kort varchar2(20));

create type tt_alg01ws1_statussen is table of to_alg01ws1_status;

create type beheerder as object(o_beheerder_id number(3), o_beheerder_naam varchar2(50), o_statussen tt_alg01ws1_statussen);

create type tt_alg01ws0_beheerders is table of to_alg01ws0_beheerder;

create package alg01_ws as
function f_alg01ws return tt_alg01ws0_beheerders; end alg01_ws;

create package body alg01_ws as

function f_alg01ws return tt_alg01ws0_beheerders is out tt_alg01ws0_beheerders;

o_statussen tt_alg01ws1_statussen := tt_alg01ws1_statussen();
o_beheerders tt_alg01ws0_beheerders:= tt_alg01ws0_beheerders();
o_beheerder to_alg01ws0_beheerder;

i number;
j number;

cursor c_alg01_1 is
select *
from bit_xbeheerders xbr
order by xbr.beheerder_id;

cursor c_alg01_2(beheerder_id number) is

    select *
    from bit_xstatussen xss
    where xss.xbr_beheerder_id = beheerder_id     order by xss.status_id;

out_c_alg01_1 c_alg01_1%rowtype;
out_c_alg01_2 c_alg01_2%rowtype;


    j := 0;
    open c_alg01_1;

        fetch c_alg01_1 into out_c_alg01_1;
            while c_alg01_1%found loop
            i := 0;
            open c_alg01_2(out_c_alg01_1.beheerder_id);
                fetch c_alg01_2 into out_c_alg01_2;
                while c_alg01_2%found loop
                i := i + 1;
                o_statussen(i) :=to_alg01ws1_status(out_c_alg01_2.status_id, 
                fetch c_alg01_2 into out_c_alg01_2;
            end loop;

    close c_alg01_2;
    o_beheerder :=to_alg01ws0_beheerder(out_c_alg01_1.beheerder_id, 
out_c_alg01_1.beheerder_naam, o_statussen);

    fetch c_alg01_1 into out_c_alg01_1;
end loop;
out := o_beheerder;
close c_alg01_1;
return out;
end f_alg01ws;
end alg01_ws;

Received on Fri Oct 29 2004 - 13:40:53 CEST

Original text of this message