Re: SQL*Plus replacement available - SPAM SPAM SPAM

From: <>
Date: 2 Jun 2004 12:49:25 -0700
Message-ID: <>

In article <1086204820.670870_at_yasure>, Daniel Morgan says...
>> I disagree with you. I am not trying to sell you anything. Just because
>> I made a tool doesn't mean I shouldn't discuss tools.
>That a spammer disagrees about how others react to his spam is rather

The spammer here is you, in my opinion.

>You are promoting a product.

[Quoted] [Quoted] I wrote a tool. I want to know what others think of it. If you want [Quoted] [Quoted] to call that "promoting a product" go ahead. What do you have against products? Is it your goal to live in a product-free world?

>You are spamming.
>Stop it!
>Or is courtesy too difficult a concept for you?

[Quoted] Writing a useful tool and giving it away is a good thing, in my book.

I am not selling anything. But it looks like you are. I see those links in your .sig is selling a $625 course. Your participation here is hardly altruistic, is it? Are you posting here merely as a way to generate more clicks to your course site? Hypocrite!

>Daniel Morgan
>(replace 'x' with a 'u' to reply)
Received on Wed Jun 02 2004 - 21:49:25 CEST

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