Oracle DBA Studio, almost useful

From: Jarmo <>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 22:57:13 -0500
Message-ID: <3fbede7a$0$9390$>

[Quoted] [Quoted] I'm using Oracle DBA Studio to create my first table. It has a [Quoted] useful-looking table wizard into which I've entered the details of my new [Quoted] table. The wizard then proceeds to generate the (alleged) SQL equivalent of [Quoted] my request. Problem is that when I click 'Finish' it rejects the [Quoted] auto-generated SQL claiming ORA-01741: illegal zero-length identifier.

The auto-generated SQL looks like this:

    CONSTRAINT "" PRIMARY KEY("EMPLOYEEID"), UNIQUE("EMPLOYEEID")) I suspect that it's complaining about the CONSTRAINT "" which it inserted [Quoted] when I requested that EMPLOYEEID had to be unique. Disregarding the fact [Quoted] that the tool is bugged in allowing me to specify an illegal combination of [Quoted] [Quoted] options, why must I provide a 'constraint'? And what would it be? Why [Quoted] isn't it sufficient to simply state that the column must contain unique values?

[Quoted] [Quoted] And, as an aside, can anyone tell me why Oracle persists in using arcane terminology such as NVARCHAR2 (rather than String) and why it doesn't support a boolean data type? Is it a deliberate attempt to deter the casual user?

Thanks very much. Received on Sat Nov 22 2003 - 04:57:13 CET

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