Re: Creating a PDF from web with reports

From: mcstock <>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 10:03:08 -0500
Message-ID: <>

be aware that you are publishing your oracle username and password to the world by including it in the URL

check out the reports server config file for a way to hide the login info

also, look into integrating report server security with portal security (if you are on 9iAS release 2 using portal) -- otherwise, you may have to design an architecture to register the report request in a database table before calling oracle reports, then have a startup trigger in the report that checks if the report request is (still) valid

Mark C. Stock
(888) 512-2048

<> wrote in message

> Hiya,
> I found an answer for myself, due to nobody's told me a solution.
> This is what I did: do another query to pdf, via javascript.
> function abrirPDF(idioma, any, mes, centro)
> {
> var URL;
> Trim(idioma);
> Trim(any);
> Trim(mes);
> Trim(centro);
> URL =
"consumo_x_linea.rdf&userid=scott/tiger_at_test&desformat=pdf&destype=cache&PID IOMA="+idioma+"&PANY="+any+"&PMES="+mes+"&PCENTRO="+centro;
>,'Consumo por
linea','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbar s=no,titlebar=yes,resizable=yes,width=800,height=600');
> }
> but you need to have this vars catched:
> < import="java.lang.*" />
> <%! private String strIdioma = "CAS"; %>
> <%! private String strCentro = ""; %>
> <%! private String strNomCentro = ""; %>
> <%! private String strMes = ""; %>
> <%! private String strAnyo = ""; %>
> <!-- y recuperamos los valores -->
> <rw:getValue id="strIdioma" src="PIDIOMA"/>
> <rw:getValue id="strCentro" src="PCENTRO"/>
> <rw:getValue id="strNomCentro" src="PNOMCEN"/>
> <rw:getValue id="strMes" src="PMES"/>
> <rw:getValue id="strAnyo" src="PANY"/>
> and, where you desire to do the calling, do this call to a javascript
> function:
> <p align="right">
> <a href="javascript:abrirPDF('<%= strIdioma %>','<%= strAnyo
> %>','<%= strMes %>','<%= strCentro %>')"><img border="0"
> src="images/dcib008b.gif" width="20" height="20" alt="Imprimir
> Informe"></a>
> </p>
Received on Tue Oct 28 2003 - 16:03:08 CET

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