Passing Parameters to Query in Query Builder

From: Chris <>
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 19:32:43 -0400
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] I'm new to Oracle, and I have been getting familiar with Query Builder. The [Quoted] [Quoted] interface is pretty intuitive. The only thing I cannot figure out is how to [Quoted] create prompts for parameters to pass to the WHERE criteria. I have discovered how to create the parameters (name, prompt and default value), [Quoted] but I cannot figure out how to add them to the WHERE criteria text boxes (in [Quoted] the left pane of the Query window) without getting a syntax error.

[Quoted] Valid syntax used in SQL*Plus:

SELECT field FROM table WHERE field LIKE &parameter;

does not seem to be valid in Query Builder, because I get a syntax error, with the ampersand highlighted.

[Quoted] [Quoted] I cannot read the manual, because the help files have not been installed, and I could not find any documentation at Can anyone help? Thank you greatly.

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Received on Tue Oct 07 2003 - 01:32:43 CEST

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