Oracle proc. from VB in ADO

From: Michel R. <>
Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 08:11:52 -0400
Message-ID: <moCab.22391$>


[Quoted] [Quoted] I'm trying to call an Oracle stored procedure from a VBA module in ADO through an ODBC connection. My procedure just inserts a record based on the [Quoted] 2 parameters. Here's the code:

Private Sub InsertNew()
Dim objDB As ADODB.Connection
Dim objcmd As ADODB.Command
Dim RS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim prm1 As ADODB.Parameter
Dim prm2 As ADODB.Parameter

    Set objDB = New ADODB.Connection
    Set objcmd = New ADODB.Command
    Set RS = New ADODB.Recordset

    objDB.Open "Data Source=ODBC_GDAI; User Id=LUORA1A; Password=LUORA1A;"

    objcmd.ActiveConnection = objDB
    objcmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    objcmd.CommandText = "Put_JSC" 'the name of my proc

    Set prm1 = objcmd.CreateParameter("p_code", adVarChar, adParamInput, 20,

[Quoted]     objcmd.Parameters.Append prm1
[Quoted]     Set prm2 = objcmd.CreateParameter("p_desc", adVarChar, adParamInput, 32,

    objcmd.Parameters.Append prm2

    Set RS = objcmd.Execute

    Set RS = Nothing
    Set objcmd = Nothing
    Set prm1 = Nothing
    Set prm2 = Nothing
    Set objDB = Nothing
End Sub

This should work, according to what I saw all over the web, but it does not. [Quoted] I get this message: ODBC driver does not support the requested properties.

I tried various other methods of calling a procedure with parameters but with no luck. I need help! Thank you all!

Michel R. Received on Fri Sep 19 2003 - 14:11:52 CEST

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