Re: exporting a table to a flat file in .csv format - CORRECTION!

From: TurkBear <>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 12:11:41 -0500
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] TurkBear <> wrote:

>"Jon" <aaa_at_bbb.ccc> wrote:
>>I am trying to dump data from a table to a flat file in .csv format. I have
>>read documentation for sqlplus utility but I have not seen any information
>>about this apart from defining specific format for columns. Do you know if
>>this is posible from sqplus?
>Read up on spool and colsep and concatenate in the docs, but in general:
>set heading off
>set linesize 1000 ( or whatever)
>set pagesize 0
>set feedback off
>set colsep ','
>spool 'drive:\path\filename'
>select trim(field1)||trim(field2)||trim(field3)........
>from your table;
>have fun...
Brain Freeze!

The use of concatenation eliminates the colsep character, so I should have used either:

[Quoted] select field1,field2,field3,etc...


select trim(field1)||','||trim(field2)||','||trim(field3)||','||etc........

[Quoted] The first will retain the defined width of the data field and place a comma between each field, while the latter will trim [Quoted] training spaces and place a comma between the fields..

Sorry..... Received on Tue Aug 26 2003 - 19:11:41 CEST

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