Re: question:select

From: Gerard H. Pille <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 00:07:07 +0200
Message-ID: <>

delaigue wrote:
> Hello,
> My purpose is to select the lines from the table "dossier" fulfilling
> conditions on fields belonging to the table "demande" ( "dossierid" is a
> primary key of table "dossier" and the couple ("dossierid", "demandeid") is
> a primary key of the table "demande" )
> I've tried to run this request via an interface for oracle ( TOADD ) :
> (1)
> select numdossier from dossier
> where dossierid in
> ( select dossierid from demande where demandeid between '165000000' and
> '170000000' and originedemande = 'e-Mail' and etatdemande = 'Transférée' )
> and it does not work, it makes TOADD run out
> For, there really is at least one line fulfilling the three conditions
> Something particular is that the table "demande" is not in the same database
> than the table "dossier", so I've tried some other things to make sure it
> doesn't cause troubles about jointures and sub-queries "select" :
> this request does not work ( makes TOADD run out ) :
> select numdossier from dossier
> where dossierid = ( select ftdossierid from demande where demandeid =
> '165420327' )
> this request does work :
> select MonDossier.numdossier from dossier MonDossier, demande MaDemande
> where MonDossier.dossierid = MaDemande.dossierid and MaDemande.demandeid =
> '165420327'
> this one does work ( makes TOADD run out ) :
> select MonDossier.numdossier from dossier MonDossier, demande MaDemande
> where MonDossier.dossierid = MaDemande.dossierid and MaDemande.demandeid
> between '165420325' and '165420329'
> Can anybody tell me if there is something wrong in the request (1) ?
> Or give me a simple way to implement it differently ?
> Thank you by advance,
> Pascal Delaigue
> Good night
> P.S. : perhaps my english/american writing is not good, it's because I'm
> french -> if there are big mistakes, please tell me, thanks

demandeid ne serait pas numérique, par hasard?

Que donne:

select numdossier from dossier dos where exists   (select null from demande dem

    where dem.dossierid = dos.dossierid
    and   dem.demandeid between 165000000 and 170000000
    and   dem.originedemande = 'e-Mail'
    and   dem.etatdemande = 'Transférée')

Donc il y a un lien entre les deux bases de données? Cela rend les choses beaucoup plus difficile pour Oracle. Il peut etre obligé de chercher tout le table demande pour résoudre la requète.

Bonne nuit.

PS. Mon français n'est pas très bien, je suis flamand -> si tu trouves des bêtises, tu peux toujours me le dire, merci.


Gérard Received on Mon May 12 2003 - 00:07:07 CEST

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