Re: creating text items as runtime in forms 6.0

From: Luc Bosman <>
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2002 14:48:59 +0100
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] On Wed, 04 Dec 2002 13:08:01 +0000, NinjaToy <> wrote:

>a spreadsheet format only presents a problem to forms when
>both x and y dimensions vary.

it was the case

>if you took variable sized data into a form from a spreadsheet
>format the argument would still be the same.
>why use a non basetable block when you could use
>views or procedures to base the block on?

forms 4.5 16 bits and a view can not be updated in oracle 7

>If either of these two techniques are used, forms will process
>all the changes through its transactional triggers.
>in addition we are drifting from the original question posed by the
>poster DJae. his problem does not dictate the use of a non-basetable
>block and IMHO should not be attempted using a non-basetable

so i suggest to that you explain more completly your solution to him

>on the surface, the structure and coding behind your spreadsheet
>form may well work (but not the way nature intended it).


Luc Bosman
DEV/2000 Software Engineer
Database & Network Administrator
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Received on Wed Dec 04 2002 - 14:48:59 CET

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