Rowcount, OCI and small memory questions

From: Buffy The Cache Coder <>
Date: 30 Jul 2002 10:59:24 -0700
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] Someone in our company has complained that if an inexperienced person writes a query which returns a large result set (via OCI) to a process having limited amount of memory, it will make the process core dump.

Is this true? Is there a way to set the maximum memory used by the oracle client libraries?

The suggestion at our company was to provide a way to limit the rows returned in a result set.

Doing some research, Oracle has a ROWNUM feature, but it really isn't the same thing as Sybase' set rowcount <NUM>, because you have to add ROWNUM into the actual query.

Does Oracle have an >environmental< ROWNUM feature which the DBA can set, or maybe can be set at the sql prompt? Or perhaps it can be something set per user, or database, or <something>?

thanks. Received on Tue Jul 30 2002 - 19:59:24 CEST

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