Datablock in forms 6 based on a stored procedure

From: Heiko <>
Date: 30 May 2002 13:04:13 -0700
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] Hi, I'm finaly close to achieving the goal to link a datablock to a stored procedure.

The datablock contains 3 text item lists which correspond to the result of a query which is returned to the block by the stored procedure in form of a ref cursor.

The procedure is correct and is correctly retrieving the results. The problem which is left is the error message "FRM-40831: Truncation occurred: value too long for field clientname."

I'm sure all fields in the datablock are at a correct maximum size
(>200), and should be able to display the results! Maybe there not
correctly linked I guess, but I couldn't imagine how to achieve this.

Another guess: The ref cursor is an IN OUT variable, which I call with no parameter when the procedure is called. Maybe it should have a paramter, but I don't know which.

Thank you for any hints,

Heiko Kopitzki

*******CODE FOR THE PROCEDURE****** CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE ref_cursor_package AS   TYPE return_type IS RECORD (
    clientid NUMBER(6),
    clientname VARCHAR2(45),
    clientaddress VARCHAR2(40)
  Type sys_refcursor is Ref Cursor RETURN return_type;   PROCEDURE tesfun( prodid_in IN INTEGER, v_cur IN OUT sys_refcursor );
END ref_cursor_package;
show errors

CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY ref_cursor_package AS PROCEDURE tesfun( prodid_in IN INTEGER, v_cur IN OUT sys_refcursor ) IS
  open v_cur for
    SELECT client.custid,, client.address FROM client, produit, ligne_comm, commande

    WHERE client.custid = commande.custid     AND commande.ordid = ligne_comm.ordid     AND produit.prodid = prodid_in;
end tesfun;
END ref_cursor_package;
show errors Received on Thu May 30 2002 - 22:04:13 CEST

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