PL/SQL conditions being ignored (query for a children's hospital)

From: Brad Campbell <>
Date: 29 Mar 2002 09:25:05 -0800
Message-ID: <>

[Quoted] [Quoted] I'm a struggling query writer who's trying to figure out how to do a [Quoted] [Quoted] word search on long data type. The query executes without error. However, it doesn't recognize my nested if that's supposed to further limit which ID's are to be inserted into a temp table. For example, I don't want it to insert into that table any ID's where the text contains the string 'CODE%N' (where % is a wildcard). But it does get inserted despite the nested if that has a not condition for this (among others). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Brad C.

Below is my code:

TRUNCATE TABLE research_list;
rpt varchar2(32000);
crlf VARCHAR2(2);
cursor csr is
select ...; --statement not shown to avoid vendor hassle begin
for prc in csr loop
select result_text.long_result_value into rpt from result_text where result_text.result_addendum_id = prc.result_addendum_id; crlf := CHR(13)||CHR(10);
rpt := upper(REPLACE(rpt,crlf, NULL));
IF(rpt LIKE '%CERVICAL%FRACTURE%' or rpt LIKE '%CERVICAL%SUBLUXATION%' or rpt LIKE '%ATLANTO%OCCIPITAL DISSOCIATION%' or instr(rpt,'CHANCE FRACTURE')>0 or instr(rpt,'PELVIC FRACTURE')>0 or instr(rpt,'CHILD ABUSE')>0 or instr(rpt,'SHAKEN BABY')>0) THEN [Quoted]   IF((instr(rpt,'NORMAL',-1) = 0) OR (instr(rpt,'NO EVIDENCE',-1) = 0) OR (rpt NOT LIKE '%CODE%N%') OR (instr(rpt,'NO FRACTURE',-1) = 0)) then

     insert into research_list(result_Addendum_id, result_value) values (prc.result_addendum_id, rpt);
  end if;
end if;
end loop;

Received on Fri Mar 29 2002 - 18:25:05 CET

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