Re: Weblogic run Error on Solaris~~~ Please Help

From: oraclehyd <>
Date: 14 Mar 2002 06:21:07 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Maybe this should help you!!!

-Create a login page that has user and password input text fields and a submit and cancel button.
-Put the login.html file in public_html/docs/mydocs
-Put the in /servlets/
-Either fail to a page, or with a message from the servlet.

11:16 JDBC:
-Get the JDBC Oracle drivers from
/big5/Data/bootcamps/weblogic/ -Put this in C:\weblogic\lib\
-Add this to your system classpath in the Control Panel (append ;C:\weblogic\lib\
-Edit C:\weblog\startWeblogic.cmd file append to: WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH=...;./lib/ -edit your file to have the following entry:



-STOP the server with the attached WebLogic Console. (Do not kill -9 the server... BAD BAD BAD!)
-Start the server from commandline (i.e. cd to c:\weblogic then run startWeblogic.cmd)
-Attach your Weblogic console to your server -Click the "DATABASE" category; expand "JDBC Connection Pools"; view the new pool "raghuPool" (You will only see this if all the above was correct and sucessful)

-To test this pool, go to C:\weblogic\examples\jdbc\oracle and modify the "" file
-Change the entries to have:

    Driver myDriver = (Driver)

                Connection conn = myDriver.connect("jdbc:oracle:thin:_at_209.157.221.36:1521:ORCL", props);     

-Change the select statement to have:

    Driver myDriver = (Driver)

    Connection conn =
myDriver.connect("jdbc:oracle:thin:_at_209.157.221.36:1521:ORCL", props);

-Compile this file with: javac -cd to c:\weblogic (unless you removed the package line at the top of
-Run this file with: java

ENTERPRISE JAVA BEANS (EJB): -EJBObject deals with ENTITY BEANS. Extends java.rmi.Remote.

Steps of hands-on tutorial:

  1. Create interface Demo that extends EJBObject. (Remote)
  2. Create interface DemoHome that extends EJBHome. (Home)
  3. Create a class called DemoBean that implements SessionBean. (Bean)
  4. Compile java files and create a Deployment Descriptor. java weblogic.ejb.utils.DDCreator -dir ejb/demo ejb/demo/DeploymentDescriptor.txt
  5. Setup the WebLogic server (tons o' stuff there)
  6. Write the DemoClient class. (or any web-based client) (Micos Attile) wrote in message news:<>...
> I have a Bizzare error and dont know how to solve it.
> I have set-up one Sun Netra T-1 with a product called Cisco ACS
> (Advanced Cisco Secure). This comes bundled with weblogic to interface
> it with Oracle database.
> Setup as follows:
> Sun Netra T-1, Solaris 8 (possiably 01/00 release but dont know how to
> check), Oracle 8i client 8.1.6 along with Cisco ACS 2.3.6 (which
> includes weblogic).
> All works well
> However, I have setup another Sun Netra T-1 (however this time its an
> AC200) with Solaris 8 (02/02 release), Oracle 8i client 8.1.6 with
> Cisco ACS 2.3.6.
> There is a script included with ACS that allows you to execute SQL
> statements from the CLI. However, on this second sun, weblogic just
> hangs and waits.
> The oracle client seems to work ok (I can run SQLPLUS to a Oracle
> server) ie: sqlplus user/password_at_server-name works ok
> I dont know where to star looking as boths systems are near identical.
> ANY sound suggestions would be welcome.
> Thanks in advance
Received on Thu Mar 14 2002 - 15:21:07 CET

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