Re: shared pool size

From: djuly <>
Date: 31 Dec 2001 05:11:54 -0500
Message-ID: <3c3039ea$>

Stjepan Brbot wrote:
> Now in my database (Oracle8i PE, v8. shared pool size is 4MB.
> During the process of creating Designer6i (Rev 4) repository while
> installing "RM_ELEMENT" view I get error message that there is not
> enough shared pool (memory)! So, how to enlarge the shared pool? BTW,
> what is this shared pool for?
> --
> Stjepan Brbot <Stjepan.Brbot_at_ZG.HiNet.HR

The shared pool is a cache in memory for packages, sql statements enz. To see what objects and sizes are in the shared pool size login as system with sqlplus and:
SQLPLUS> select from v$sgastat
You can alter the size of the shared pool size but you have to shutdown the database. Locate the init<instance_name>.ora file. make a backup of this file. edit the file and search for the parameter shared_pool_size = <value> where value is the size in bytes. enter a larger value ( be carefull not to cause paging on your system if you choose a too large size) Restart the database.

Ir. A.P. Djuly
Gabon Straat 5
2622 Delft

Posted via dBforums
Received on Mon Dec 31 2001 - 11:11:54 CET

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